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Joined: 2010/3/25
Posts: 53
Queensland, Australia

 What WAS Tozer doing in there??

Hi folks,

After hearing a lot of AW Tozers messages, and stories about him from folks that spent time with him - people like Leonard Ravenhill - I have become familiar with the stories that he used to spend HOURS each day with God in prayer.

Now, I must ask - what was he doing in there?

I have a deep hunger for God and I have 1/2 hour each morning I can spare daily and irregular other times. Usually I pray for about 20 mins. That seems to cover giving glory to him and praying for others. I also sing songs to him and play my instrument for him and to him. At times I also journal. And of course I do my daily reading of the Word.

Even on those occasions when I have extra time I can spend, these things I can easily fit into an hour and a bit. I've found if I do it every day it gets a bit repetitive.

By way of reply, I am of a biblical Pentecostal nature (not word of faith, prosperity or other such nonsense), and even if I exercise my gift of tongues I can't fill the time he did.

But Tozer spent this time EVERY day and he was obviously effective.

Again, what WAS he doing in there??

What did he pray about? Exactly HOW did he get his closeness with the Father?

Nick van der Net

 2011/5/16 0:27Profile

 Re: What WAS Tozer doing in there??

i don't know but it suddenly occurred to me that we never read of Elijah spending HOURS in prayer. The few prayers recorded were apparently very short and to the point yet powerful. Don't know about the apostle Paul. Perhaps it is the heart that matters most, not the time.

 2011/5/16 1:14

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179


Perhaps it is the heart that matters most, not the time.

Oh, He would have it that our heart be set upon Him ALL of the time. :)

 2011/5/16 1:20Profile

Joined: 2007/10/28
Posts: 1232
United States


Paul prayed without ceasing... 1 Thes 5:17



 2011/5/16 1:20Profile

Joined: 2007/10/28
Posts: 1232
United States


Oh, He would have it that our heart be set upon Him ALL of the time. :)

Haha Amen Laura. :)


 2011/5/16 1:21Profile


True. But then it could be said that Tozer was disobeying scripture, for he reportedly only prayed for many HOURS, and then ceased (for a time). Lol...Get my drift?

 2011/5/16 2:12

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Re: What WAS Tozer doing in there??

Hi Panda,

I have wondered about this too. It seems one of the things that keeps us from abiding in His presence is obedience. I have found that when I desire to spend time with the Lord or when I feel the Spirit drawing me in, that after a time, I become distracted by things I know I should do or have failed to do at the Lord's leading. At this point, I am no longer at perfect rest because it has been made clear to me areas of my own disobedience. However, there are also other times that I will be drawn in by the Spirit and instructed simply to rest. I am to cast off all that occupies my heart and focus on Him at which times I am even unable to pray. The Spirit restrains me from uttering anything at all but bids me be still. I know that it was several months from the time I first heard these testimonies about Tozer and other men of God, who spent long hours in prayer, and I asked the Lord to do this in me until He started to draw me. Perhaps it is the slowness of my heart or simply the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit that takes time to bring me to the place where I can actually begin. I think it would be wise to take the attitude of those from Hebrews 11 who had no written Bible but came to knowledge of God by diligently seeking His face expecting that He would show Himself to them. Keep pressing on in faith and you will be drawn to the object of your desire. 


 2011/5/16 3:07Profile

Joined: 2010/3/25
Posts: 53
Queensland, Australia


Hey folks,

Thanks for your posts. Yup, Jeremy I think I can relate to what you're saying. I have noticed he does tend to be quite slow in his movings and responses. Gor his good pleasure I suppose. Alright, I'll start praying for it.



Nick van der Net

 2011/5/16 4:20Profile

 Re: What WAS Tozer doing in there??

He would have spent more of the time listening....


 2011/5/17 0:32

Joined: 2005/6/18
Posts: 1481


hi, oj you hit the nail on the head.len told me that tozer would lay on a mat and worship Him for who He is and spend the rest of the time quiet before Him. len said tozer got 90% of his books there.jimp

 2011/5/17 3:03Profile

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