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Joined: 2009/12/8
Posts: 1795

 Replay of David Wilkerson's Memorial

replay of David Wilkersons memorial.

2 pm pacific time

 2011/5/14 17:10Profile

Joined: 2009/1/16
Posts: 319

 Re: Replay of David Wilkerson's Memorial

Watching it right now... who wrote that first worship song that was in the beginning? powerful song of praise!


Doug R

 2011/5/15 0:04Profile

Joined: 2003/11/16
Posts: 8
Colorado Springs, CO

 Re: We Proclaim Him

It was written by Todd, who lead the band at TSC a few years back. He plays sax.

You can hear a great studio version of it, third song here:

Great album, just grab the whole thing!

Jacques Perreault

 2011/5/15 1:04Profile


Hey, I have that CD. Bless GOD!!!

Well, here I am presenting a problem again with downloading with dial-up.
This link for hearing the repeat of the Memorial Service is not working at all. I tried both the slow-bandwidth audio and the audio only on the right - but neither will work.
Any suggestions besides purchasing broadband :)?

Thank you all in advance, once again!!

 2011/5/15 2:14

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