Good message here I'm 'trying' to download this youtube, but it's not looking as if I'm going to make it. Dial-up doesn't do youtubes unless you'll be home all day to let it download - if the dial-up doesn't keep hanging up on you. :)What I'd like to know is, if someone has time to investigate it -- is the message above the same as this SI YouTube message? you in advance. I'll search for the mp3 version in the meantime.Blessings!!
It is different.
_________________Sandra Miller
The youtube message does not show David Wilkerson preaching, it is only a static image of a microphone. Also, the sound quality is not very good. The same message that is on youtube is on the Times Square Church website but there is no video there either.
The printed message on the site is an abridged (condensed) version of the YouTube sermon. The YouTube version is probably 4 or 5 times more wordy. But having said that, they are basically the same message.
Thank you Much ginnyrose, HeartSong and TrueWitness!!As it turned out, I couldn't download the youtube, so your posts were very helpful.Thanks for taking to time to help me!