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 R. A. Torrey on the site?

I'm afraid I cannot find him. He was on the main list with his photo on this page --

Is it possible that my eyes may be missing his name somewhere?
Anything's possible ;)

Torrey's MIA!

TIA for any help.

 2011/5/8 13:59

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA

 Re: R. A. Torrey?

Here's a link to some of his articles on SI:

Also, if you do a google search on "torrey articles sermonindex" you get more.


 2011/5/8 14:08Profile

Joined: 2007/8/8
Posts: 123

 Re: R. A. Torrey?

How to Pray is a gripping call to prayer read in an enlivening style. Pastor, educator, evangelist, and author R.A. Torrey delivers a no-nonsense handbook for praying correctly and receiving answers from God. The book is full of examples, stories, and anecdotes that inwardly compel the listener to pray heartily. Topics covered include the importance of prayer, praying in the Spirit, constancy in prayer, and hindrances to prayer. This classic audio book was read by David Cochran Heath.

 2011/5/8 14:47Profile


Thank you Brother. Thank you Sister.

I knew it had to be my eyes. I searched that S-Z page.

Up north here they ask, "Can anything good come out of Hoboken, NJ?"

Well, Reuben Archer Torrey did - Praise our GOD!

Smiling now ~ Thank you both.

 2011/5/8 15:07

 Re: R. A. Torrey?

Reuben Archer Torrey, born January 28, 1856. Graduated from Yale University in 1875 and from Yale Divinity School in 1878.

Joined D. L. Moody in Chicago and pastored the Chicago Avenue Church and was selected by Moody to become the first Dean of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago where under his direction, the Institute became a pattern for Bible Institutes world-wide.

Torrey became one of the most respected evangelists and at the turn of the century, began his evangelistic tours. From 1903-1905 he along with Charles McCallon Alexander toured together to many parts of the world and reportedly brought nearly one hundred thousand souls to Christ.

Torrey continued his worldwide meetings for the next 15 years and reached Japan and China as well.
During those years, he also served as the Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and pastored the Church of the Open Door in that city.

He is well remembered for his book - "How to Bring Men to Christ"


Excerpts from "Are you Criticizing GOD?"

"The Bible doctrine of salvation by atoning blood is ridiculed in this day on every hand. Some preachers have said it is foolish for me to preach this "old doctrine." Well, it is an old doctrine, but it is a true doctrine. And I would rather believe and teach the old that is true than the new that is false. I did not invent this doctrine. I do not know enough to invent it. I found it in that Book, and, thank God, I found it to be true in my own life; it saved me and I preach it, and it has saved thousands through my preaching of it. I preach it, but I did not invent it. God is the Author of this doctrine, and when you criticize the preaching of it, you do not criticize me, you criticize God. It would be a matter of no great consequence for you to criticize me or my preaching. Why should you not criticize me? I am not infallible. I cannot see why I am not just as properly an object of criticism as anybody else. It does not harm me, and it gives some people lots of fun. Sometimes it greatly helps me. But, ah, when you criticize this doctrine you are not criticizing me, you are criticizing God, and that is serious, tremendously serious. "0 man, who art thou that repliest against God?""

"If you get that thought, that an Infinitely wise God may possibly know more than even you do, and that God in His infinite wisdom might have a thousand good reasons for doing a thing when you cannot see even one, you will have learned one of the greatest theological truths of the day-one that will solve many of your perplexing problems in the Bible."

"Men try to lay hold of infinite wisdom and fancy that they can squeeze it down into the capacity of their pint-cup minds. But because they cannot squeeze infinite wisdom into their pint-cup minds, they say, "I don't believe that Book is the Word of God, because it has something in it that I cannot understand the philosophy of." Why should you understand the philosophy of it? Who are you, anyhow? How much of a mind have you, anyhow? How long have you had it? How long are you going to keep it? Who gave it to you?"

"It is not our business to find out the philosophy of things; it is not our business to see the reason of things. It is our business to hear what God has to say, and when He says it, believe it, whether you can understand the philosophy of it or not."

"There is one more class that is replying against God, that is the men who instead of accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior and surrendering to Him as their Lord and Master and openly confessing Him as such before the world, are making excuses for not doing it. Jesus says in John 6:37, "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." God says in Revelation 22:17, "Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." Anybody can come to Christ, and anybody who does come will be received and saved. Yet many of you, instead of coming, are making excuses for not coming. By every excuse you make you are replying against God, you are entering into controversy with God, you are condemning God, who invites you to come. You cannot frame an excuse for not coming and accepting Christ that does not condemn God. Every excuse that any mortal makes for not accepting Christ, in its ultimate analysis, condemns God."

 2011/5/8 16:36

 Re: R. A. Torrey?

Seems like R.A. Torrey day here with me. It's been truly enriching.

I found several places containing his works and some very interesting at that.

I enjoyed this site that contains some things from Torrey -

And presently, am downloading Part 1 from YouTube of a re-enactment of ""Torrey's sermon on The Reality of Hell 1"" .
At the rate it's downloading, it may take until tomorrow to get to Part 2 of the 4 parts.

Third - A book by Whitaker House, entitled "Power-Filled Living" which I have and have tried to find more ebooks to post, contains 7 of his serperate books - the titles being ...

About the Author

1-How to Obtain Fulness of Power

2-The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

3-How to Pray

4-How to Study the Bible

5-Difficulties in the Bible

6-How to Witness to Anybody

7-Heaven or Hell

If you go to the Whitaker House Publishing website, you'll see that this is 7 books in one.
I've seen this book sold rather inexpensively 'used'.

I've had a lovely day with Torrey and downloading other audio sermons here.
It's been a Happy Mother's Day.

Bless GOD and GOD Bless!

 2011/5/8 19:21

 Re: R. A. Torrey?

Found another treasure trove.

From 1910 on to ? - monthly magazines with Torrey, etc.

This link above is Volume 1 which is from 1910 and to go to the next year - just change the last number in the above address.
I've gotten up to Volume 5 so far -

Each Issue has over 60 pages.
Here's a sample of Volume 5 from 1914 December -

You open the Issue at the bottom right hand corner by page number and hit "Go".

Absolutely Amazing. To read such a wealth of material that's 100 yrs old.
His Truth Never Changes.
He is Faithful!

 2011/5/8 22:02

Joined: 2007/10/28
Posts: 1232
United States


Thanks for the links to these old magazines JiG. These are wonderful to read and look over. I recently spent $20 on an old missionary magazine on ebay, which seems expensive(at least to me). But I love it! I would love to find some old Keswick magazines too. Especially the ones with Amy Carmichael's letters! :))


 2011/5/8 22:25Profile


Praise GOD Sis. Oh yes, it is worth it. People spend that much on a pizza. I could almost live without food to have these "old" writings. We've lost so much of the depth of the knowledge of Christ, but can still find them through these trusted Saints who stood the test of time. Bless The LORD!
I'll pray you find more of what thrills your heart in Him.
Bless you!

 2011/5/9 0:09

 Re: For those that appreciate Torrey - New listing


"Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord -- NEW!

A hard-to-find series of 140 studies through the four gospels, exploring the ministry of Jesus.
Torrey emphasizes the "Inductive Method," not giving answers but asking questions to encourage in-depth interaction with the text. A great resource for Bible study groups, Sunday Schools, or personal study. Special thanks to site reader Wanda Dunavan for making this rare book available to the archive."

from -

 2012/5/20 12:40

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