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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : weilding the sword and missing the target

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Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413

 weilding the sword and missing the target

Yesterday in my hast my brother came against me and rather then hearing his heart i only heard the words of his mouth. I had striked the sword without precission hence missing the target and caused offence to my brother. This part was easy but when God showed me what i had done my flesh felt shame and guilt as well as i was sitting in a place of Pride. As i struggled with this i felt my defences come down towards the enemy and his arrows striked from every direction. Today i humble myself by saying that i am young in my spirit walk when it comes to using the sword, i should have waited for the Lord to show what the enemy was doing before i ran into the battlefeild with out him. I know my fleshly man still wants to rise up in the ways of old and that i need to be sound in understanding and spirit when he does as this is where satan wants to draw me. My weapons are not carnal and it is not flesh and blood that i am fighting. I cant wait until the weekend so i can sit with my Lord and study his word and allow him to increase my understanding in this. I felt that the Lord has heard my prayer this morning and i am now strengthened in his spirit. Even writing this post exposing my actions has been hard to do but my destruction of my flesh is a good thing as i ask for more of the living Jesus christ to fill me.

karl rashleigh

 2011/5/4 17:31Profile

Joined: 2009/2/20
Posts: 494
Celina, Texas

 Re: weilding the sword and missing the target

Mine is definitely one of the dullest swords. It misses the mark often. As you said, "thank God that His Spirit is there to convict us of the unprovoked blows we deliver". Yet there is growth gained in such action. He always calls us back into correct formation, where we can then hear clearly, the voice of Him who commands us.

 2011/5/4 18:47Profile

Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413


Mine is definitely one of the dullest swords. It misses the mark often. As you said, "thank God that His Spirit is there to convict us of the unprovoked blows we deliver". Yet there is growth gained in such action. He always calls us back into correct formation, where we can then hear clearly, the voice of Him who commands us.

yeah the Lord has definatley renewed my mind today and what i have learnt over this incident has been a true Blessing. As i aproached the person in a humble spirit and apologised and asked for forgiveness because i had come against him and not the enemy, we have started a new relationship with the foundations of honesty and encouragement towards each other. I remember when i was in the Army one day on a 10 km run, at about 6 kms i started struggling and felt that i hadnt any strength to keep going and was about to stop but a hand came from behind me and supported my centre of my spine with the gentle pressure it gave me enough strength to finish the race. it was my friend encouraging me. i must always have this on my heart when battling the enemy with the Lord. with smiles and praises to God.

karl rashleigh

 2011/5/4 21:38Profile

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