My instinct is to trust Ravi Zacharias' spirit in this enounter. He is a wonderfully able communicator and his work on post-modernism is very valuable. SIers unfamiliar with his organisation can find more at RZIMI am always uncomfortable when people claim to make statements or apologies on my behalf so I am much less comfortable with Mouw's contribution. I would need to have much more specific information for an apology than vague comments about misrepresentation of the Mormon position.
_________________Ron Bailey
My instinct is to trust Ravi Zacharias' spirit in this enounter. He is a wonderfully able communicator and his work on post-modernism is very valuable.
_________________Robert Wurtz II
Re: Well said.My sentiments as well You can make a snake a pet but don't trust it,it'll still bite you given the chance.Mr. Mouw wants too say some thing I wish he would own HIS words and not speak for me.
Hi Raven,Think that's where this can get all off track. Just in the same sense that I wouldn't particualrly want the WOF camp speaking on my behalf, my sense was that [i]'often'[/i](his word) is not a reach nor would I expect that to apply to all of us. As was alluded, we don't have the full comments and just as surely they have '[i]often[/i]' misrepresented 'us' I am sure...and no, I am not speaking for you either brother ;-)Ravi is not one I would find being to chummy with all this and you can bet he left them with plenty to think about.
_________________Mike Balog
"Ravi is not one I would find being to chummy with all this and you can bet he left them with plenty to think about."Yes indeed I like Ravi, I believe he speaks the truth.I was speaking about the other speaker, just wish some(HE) would own his words and not generalize and say we, but say Me,I or myself.