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Joined: 2006/11/26
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 Seeing the Big Picture - Sparks

March 7 "Open Windows" by T. Austin Sparks


In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. (Colossians 2:9,10 NIV)

If you and I, dear friends, are going to make anything like the progress that Paul made as a young convert and as a growing Christian, and if we are going to have anything of the wheat that he has had in spiritual impress and impact, and if we are going to count in any degree as he counted in the work of the Lord; one thing is absolutely essential and do get hold of this. The youngest Christian get hold of this and everybody else; that if we take our salvation, our conversion or anything that has to do with it as something in itself, there's going to be limitation.

We have got to see everything in the light of the Person, Jesus Christ! That is, we have not to take this as a gift - salvation as a gift - or anything else of the Christian life as a gift in itself; we have got to look at that and say: "What does that signify as to the Giver? What does that signify as to Christ? What does that mean as to the Source of my salvation?" You may not grasp the point but it is of infinite importance because all progress in the Christian life and all power in Christian service comes from not the grasping, the apprehending, and the enjoyment of salvation as such, but seeing Jesus! Because, you see, Jesus is the sum total of ALL divine fullness.

By T. Austin-Sparks from: Revelation of Jesus Christ - Chapter 7


 2011/3/7 9:05Profile

Joined: 2006/6/12
Posts: 524

 Re: Seeing the Big Picture - Sparks

Indeed " is of infinite importance,because all progress in the Christian life and all power in Christian service comes from not the grasping, the apprehending, and the enjoyment of salvation as such, but seeing Jesus! Because, you see, Jesus is the sum total of ALL divine fullness."

Seeing Jesus: the Lord of our every bit, the peace of our every moment, the only motive in all that we do, the only reason to live on...

Great reminder, AbideinHim.


 2011/3/7 10:13Profile

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