would like to say that we, as followers of Jesus Christ, must be so very close to Him daily that are hearts dont deceive us. We must see with His eyes and have His heart. We must. In these last days we are going to see things we have not imagined and we must have His eyes & heart.
I want to personally apologize if I came across as picking on you, I was not. If it came across that way please forgive me.God bless you,Lisa
Hi Lysa, I had to smile when I saw your confession. Yes, I did think you were picking on me and I decided not to respond! Thanks for the message.Linda
How can those who name the name of Christ NOT respond in love towards anyone without Jesus? Wrong or right, this is how I understand it... when they hear the gospel of the Kingdom, they will be broken in spirit over their lifestyle and Im not talking about a message that was prepared beforehand designed specifically to heap loads of guilt onto them but when they hear the true gospel of the Kingdom all their shackles will fall off!! Wooo hooooo!!! Lets pray for the gospel of the Kingdom to preached!!
And we pray O' God You will draw us closer to You that we may be ready to preach, pray, love & die when called to do so. Amen and Amen!
God news, By Jesus stripes we are healed !there are so many homosexual people are transformed by the Spirit of God and be free from homosexual life style, they call themselves ex-gays, the following website are all for the people who need Gods healing touch ! http://www.desertstream.org/(ministering the life of Jesus to the sexually and relationally broken) http://www.masteringlife.org(Teaching People How to Heal Sexual Brokenness) Pastor David Foster was set free from homosexuality by God 30 years ago, please go to his website to read his powerful testimony http://www.narth.com/(national association doe research & Therapy of homosexuality) http://www.exodus-international.org/the Son of God (Jesus) manifest will destroy the work of devil, homosexual life style is the work of devil, God come to destroy the sin. Jesus come to set the homosexual people free from the bondage of sin (homosexuality). ""Christians Need to Prepare for Normalization of Gay Marriage?""" ????????? Do not forget , Jesus says that It is FINISHED on the cross ! the message of Cross is the power of GOD. the Almighty God ALREADY Wins and Wins always , through the finished work of Cross and His Resurrection !!! never never forget the Power of Prayers !!!! we need more prayers and prayers work ! if we call us Christian, children of God , our head (the head of Church) is Jesus, it is end time, there are so many immorality coming around . we need to prepare for the coming the Jesus Christ. be alert and watch and pray ! uphold the GOD's Word and believe and press in , NEVER GIVE IN and NEVER GIVE UP ! There is Mighty power in Jesus' Blood , there is mighty power in Jesus Name, there is mighty power in God's Word ! through the Crucifixion of Jesus, it release the resurrection power of God to destroy the sin, the darkness, the death. please do not forget God's Victory .Well meet in a field where were preparing for a great battle to set those free who are enslaved to sin. Some of the so-called church has justified sin. When sin is justified the people become a slave to it. The Spirit of Truth is rising up in the church. It is calling the true church to action to combat this slavery and set the people free from sin.