February 26: Sin No More
Go, and sin no more. John 8:11.
See how Christ manifests His abhorrence of the sin, while He throws His shield of mercy around the sinner. The Lord does not justify the sinners transgression, though He justifies the sinners person. In the great matter of salvation, justification and sanctification, pardon and holiness, are essentially and inseparably united.
When the Lord Jesus dismisses a sinner with a sense of acquittal in his conscience, it is ever accompanied with that most affecting of all exhortations, Sin no more. And as he passes out from the presence of Jesus, pardoned, justified, saved, the Saviors tender, soul-subduing words from that moment seem to vibrate upon his ear every step of his onward way.
Go, admire, and publish abroad the glory of that grace that has done such great things for you. Go, and spread His fame, and with your latest breath dwell upon His name, who, when sin and Satan and conscience accused you, and would have consigned you to eternal woe- then appeared your Friend, your Advocate, and your Savior. Go, and when tempted to wound afresh the bosom that sheltered you, remember Me; from Gethsemane, from Calvary, and from the hallowed spot where I spoke to you, I condemn you not. Go, and sin no more. |