I don't know what to make of this, but it seems like a step in the right direction to stop the murderous plague.Georgia is consider laws that would make miscarriages a felony if the mother cannot prove there was no "human involvement."Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/02/26/georgia-lawmakers-anti-abortion-proposal-punish-women-miscarriages/#ixzz1F6F5zaIJ
Tom,I read this article and I do not like this legislation at all. If a woman miscarries then she will have to prove it was not induced by humans. The burden of proof rests with the woman. For some females miscarrying is traumatic enough but to have to prove it to some calloused official that it was spontaneous...no, this stinks. I also call it an invasion of privacy...got enough gov intrusion in ones life already. Seems to me this legislation mocks the pro-life philosophy - it is held up to ridicule by the choice crowd, justifying in their mind that pro-lifers are crazy for sure. For once, I would have to agree.My opinion...surprised no one else offered theirs - I was waiting to see what others said before posting.
_________________Sandra Miller
(edit I just saw this this morning)Police go to the wrong house for a drug bust, it takes years for that family to prove they didnt have drugs because the police figured out they had the wrong house and to save face planted drugs.A 50 year old woman who has been through menopause is arrested for killing her child; someone planted evidence in her medical file because they had something against her.This is NOT a step in the right direction. Legislation is not the answer. The only step in the right direction and the answer is Jesus changing a womans heart who is about to get an abortion. A heart's been changed and that heart can change other heart's!!God bless you,Lisa
GinnyroseI agree with what you wrote here. I can not believe any one would view this as a good idea. They are just giving fuel to the pro choice groups. I have suffered through a miscarriage and it was devastating, I could not imagine having to go and prove that I did not do something on purpose to cause the miscarriage. God Blessmj
got enough gov intrusion in ones life already.