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Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC

 Who Would Jesus Flip Off?

Who Would Jesus Flip Off?


Jimmy Humphrey

So, who would Jesus flip off? WWJFO. Doesn’t make for a great bracelet, does it?

Of course, we know Jesus would do no such thing. He’s Jesus, right?

Yet strangely enough, there seems to be a disconnect between Jesus and some of those who say they are His disciples. I have this strange sense that we as Christians feel we have this love, joy, and peace thing down. That is, when things are going well. But when our neighbors’ dog barks early on a Saturday morning, or somebody cuts us off in traffic, the love, joy, and peace that we claim to be so full of suddenly leaves us. I think too often we are guilty of making love, joy, and peace these etherial and abstract concepts that we are only too happy to hear preached about. Not too many people leave a church angry at a preacher for speaking much on these subjects.

But when the rubber hits the road and the theology of pulpit must be actually lived out, love, joy, and peace are not such easy things to walk in. Indeed, being a good Samaritan and abiding by the golden rule sound all nice, warm, and fuzzy. But the niceness of such things is easily forgotten when we suddenly find ourselves tossed into the crucible. I don’t like being cut off on the road anymore than the next guy. But how I respond in those sudden moments will often serve as a revelation into the depths of my heart, and show how much the gospel message has made its way into my heart and my soul. It is one thing to behave in a certain way when you have time to calculate your steps ahead of time. It is another thing to see how you react to things that happen in a fraction of a second.

Be sure then, that if in that fraction of a second when you are awoken by your neighbors’ dog or suddenly cut off in traffic, that if an outburst of anger, obscenities, and wild hand gestures finds an outlet through you, then you still have a bit of a way to go in your spiritual development. Jesus would never do these things. And we as disciples who follow Him should never do these things either.

Jimmy H

 2011/2/24 12:32Profile

 Re: Who Would Jesus Flip Off?

I surely do appreciate the message - but the title is offensive Brother. "Wild hand gestures" would suffice or "Who would Jesus blow up at?"

I do appreciate this message though --- " It is one thing to behave in a certain way when you have time to calculate your steps ahead of time. It is another thing to see how you react to things that happen in a fraction of a second. "

that's for sure Jimmy!

 2011/2/24 12:44

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185


Jimmy, I feel the same way as my brother. You could have brought forth the message which is true without the offensive title.



 2011/2/24 12:48Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: Who Would Jesus Flip Off?

Jesus would never do these things. And we as disciples who follow Him should never do these things either.

Who did this terrible thing to you, Jimmy? I realize that we should attain to perfection and all that but we are all growing at different rates. Just like babies who the doctors monitor from birth the babies growth progress to make sure their height, weight, etc are all on track; I'm sure the Lord measures our growth rate somehow!

I guess my point is that when a brother or sister behaves behind schedule (immature); how do we react, do we take them under our wing or stand with our other brothers and sisters pointing fingers at their lack? I'm sure the Lord is watching and taking note of our response as well!

Prayer and love and support will help the growth rate of anyone who lags behind.

Growth Charts so you can see what I'm referring to:

God bless you, brother!

PS: The title didn't offend me one iota!


 2011/2/24 13:46Profile

Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC


At the church I attend, it is quite large, and most of us have bumper stickers. The town we live in, while a decent size, isn't so large that one will go long without seeing somebody driving with our church bumper sticker on their car. Needless to say, it provides my pastor with some interesting sermon material from time to time :-)

Jimmy H

 2011/2/24 14:38Profile

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