Following is an article I wrote for youngsters. If you find it helpful, you may pass it on. I'm worshiping God, here at CMC,Vellore,India.
Santosh Mathew ([email protected])
Scene 1 (Sunday Morning) The melodious voice of the choir was mesmerizing. The effect of the harmonious music from the various instruments was reverberating in the air. Jerry, the neo Pentecostal believer was in another world. He felt as though it was heaven on earth. The motivation by the choir leader in his deep baritone voice was compelling and Jerry too joined the crowd in praising and worshiping. It was a fulfilling experience for him, for almost an hour. The message followed. He was still humming some of those tunes and couldnt concentrate much on the message. From the bits that he heard, he felt happier that the Lord was about to bless him. On reaching back his hostel room, Jerry commented excitedly about that wonderful worship service, to his room and class mate Kevin, a traditional Christian.
Scene 2 (Monday Morning) The alarm kept ringing and Jerry kept rolling on his bed. Kevin switched off the alarm and tried to wake him up. But it was only at 8.30 am that Jerry was finally able to say good bye to the soft mattress and pillow that he was holding on to. He glanced at the time table for that day and realized to his dismay that the assignments for Mathematics and Electronics were due. He chose to avoid the public humiliation in the class by skipping the class for that morning. Jerry made it a point to take a photocopy Kevins assignment so that he could copy it later. He also didnt forget to send word to the class teacher that he was sick! Back again, he hit the sack for another relaxed nap.
What about you? Many of you go through similar experiences to that of Jerry. Is it not a paradox that you worship God on Sunday and worship yourself on Monday? There is something wrong somewhere. Even on Sunday, Jerry was actually worshiping himself. His own enjoyment and happy feeling was in the back of his mind. He was not truly worshiping God by offering himself on the altar. Jerry was simply enjoying the session without repenting or causing any inconvenience to himself. The greatest stumbling block to the seeking Kevins around us are such Jerry type worshipers.
What then is true Worship? Abraham was walking up the road to Moriah mountains to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac, at Gods command. Gen 22:4-5 On the third day he looked up and saw the place in the distance. He said to his servants, "Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you". For Abraham, worship was much more than soul stirring music. He was going to sacrifice what was dearest to him. By worship, he meant giving up his all.
Apostle Paul, while writing to the Roman Christians, speaks about true worship. Rom 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. Genuine worship is to offer ourselves on the altar allowing the fire of God to consume all that is of self and sin. Many misunderstand thanks giving and praise to be worship. We definitely need to thank and praise God for all that He has been to us, but worship is beyond that. Unless we give up our pet desires and aspirations that are contradictory to the will of God, we are not worshiping Him. Words of praise should lead to works of worship. These acts of worship are not to be done on a Sunday alone. John 4:24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth. We are called to be worshipers who worship God always through Sunday to Saturday irrespective of time or place - in spirit and truth. We need to truthfully and faithfully yield to the promptings of the spirit of God at the times of temptation, continually give up our own desires for the sake of Gods desires and be worshipers.
Scene 3 (A Saturday - a few months later) The semester was about to close and all were busy with their pending works. Kevin left to the library to collect some reference materials. Jerry had a bunch of piled up clothes to be washed. He too had to collect some materials from the library and rang up Kevin to give the details. Kevin had already left back to the hostel, but was willing to go back and collect the materials for Jerry. A few minutes later, Jerrys phone kept ringing. It was Kevins number, but the voice was that of a stranger. Kevin met with an accident and was lying in a pool of blood! A shocked Jerry shouted out to other friends and they rushed to the spot. A speeding car rammed on Kevins bike and sped off without stopping. They rushed Kevin to the hospital and miraculously, his life was saved but with multiple fractures on his left leg and left hand. The time that Kevin was in the hospital, was a time of introspection for Jerry. The thought that Kevin had gone back to the library, just for him, kept haunting his mind. Tears of repentance, about his casual attitude to life and spiritual matters, started rolling down his cheeks. He was reminded of the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, on the cross, for his sins. He was convicted that he was crucifying Christ again, through his sins and self indulgence. He knelt down, repented sincerely in tears and surrendered his life afresh to God. He decided to set right all the matters that he was convicted of. He could experience great peace in his heart and a wonderful presence of God. There was no music, no choir leader all alone, he was worshiping God, in that messy hostel room.
Scene 4 (During study holidays) Jerry got up very early in the morning. He had to finish of his portions and go to help Kevin, who was in bandage - still recovering. Jerry had decided to do all that he could to help Kevin write and clear the exams. It was really tough, but Jerry sought the Lord for strength and worshiped Him every day. He was continually offering himself on the altar and had totally transformed to be a genuine worshiper of God. He sincerely kept praying for Kevin as well. Kevin was deeply touched by this unselfish love. He too had an encounter with the Lord and surrendered his life totally to God. They prayed together in tears of repentance and of joy. Heaven came down and it was a wonderful time of worship.
Are you a genuine worshiper? Friend, are you a genuine worshiper of God? The present day Christianity is propagating many deceptive experiences. Be reminded, that there is no Resurrection, without Crucifixion and that there is no Pentecost, without Pass over. May God grant us grace to be worshipers who experience continuous revivals within our own hearts!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Santosh Mathew's eldest daughter Shekinah (15yrs) has been diagnosed with cancer of the bone in her left upper arm. She is undergoing a chemotherapy treatment in Christian Medical College(CMC), Vellore, India. This brother many years back during my college days lead me to the ministry of Br.Zac Poonen which has revolutionized my life. I am deeply indebted him for pointing me to my Savior Lord Jesus and His life. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________ Shibu Clement