Poster | Thread | ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Moving | | Moving. We purchased a house in a nearby town and are waiting for the former owners to vacate the premises. In the meantime, I am packing our things, boxes everywhere, most filled. I want to be ready to move as soon as they vacate and not have to wait a long time to get my things boxed up here.
As I think about this moving process and not knowing for certain when it will be, I am reminded of another move all mankind will make at some point in time. We do not know when this will happen. It could be today, tomorrow, or ten years from now. But am I getting ready for this move?
As I go through things, I discard or give away items no longer needed. As I get ready for my move into eternity, am I getting rid of baggage that will hinder that move - or even divert my desired destiny?
I think about this all day long as I work towards this goal and am finding it edifying and challenging. _________________ Sandra Miller
| 2011/2/17 9:02 | Profile |
| Re: Moving | | If GOD had not told us in so many ways and in so many places, what will transpire on earth before He 'moves' us - then just preaching "the move" would have been for HIM and also be for us, sufficient - but in these last days, unless we warn the people of the horrors that are about to come upon our present "home" - we've neglected a major portion of His Word and 'Why' He warned us of these events extensively, from the O.T. to the New and asked us to preach this message as well.
To be forewarned is to be spiritually forearmed.
It's when it takes the lambs "by surprise", because others have taught them to believe otherwise or didn't speak up at all, that the fault will be on those who knew, but kept silent.
There's a vast difference between a prophet from 'before' this generation and a last days prophet. Do you believe that ginnyrose?
To me, this differs little than if a geologist came to your home and told you that your present house is on a very vulnerable fault-line. Would that change anything about your preparations for your move? Would you just let the new occupants of your present home just abide there without telling or warning them?
Asking merely for your thoughts.
GOD's Speed, to you & yours. |
| 2011/2/17 9:35 | | InTheLight Member

Joined: 2003/7/31 Posts: 2850 Phoenix, Arizona USA
| Re: Moving | | I love the lessons taught by every day life.
You are living right now with an expectancy that any moment you could get the call that the new house is ready. I want to live all my days with expectancy, expectancy that I may see Christ face to face today, expectancy that He will use me to minister to some sin sick soul in the love of Christ today...
"in due season we shall reap..."
In Christ,
Ron _________________ Ron Halverson
| 2011/2/17 10:32 | Profile | HeartSong Member

Joined: 2006/9/13 Posts: 3179
| Re: | | Something that the LORD showed me, back when He was showing me about the earthquake, was some of the characteristics of our earth. It has an "inner core," and an "outer core" just like the temple has an "inner court" and an "outer court" - and both of these are wrapped in a mantle which is a covering of sorts, and at the very outer edge, there is a thin hard surface called the crust which is very much like the shell or hull of a seed.
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. - John 12:24
And, in order for new life to come forth from a seed, the shell or hull must be broken.
May we all prepare our hearts for the "new thing" that is about to come upon us.
God bless you ginnyrose, as you prepare for your "new home." :) |
| 2011/2/17 11:03 | Profile |
| Re: | | Unless one is old, sick or pretrib, they know that things will transpire before they go Home, and according to what is written - many will be "beheaded" and need to be strengthened to think on these things - lest HE wouldn't have written it into His Word nor defined the overcomers nor written Rev 20:4-6.
I live in Senior Housing and not in the best of health and have prayed for most of my last two decades to go of natural causes before all heck breaks - not because of "fear" of these things, but only because I'm sick and tired of this present mixed up Church and evil world.
I look at several forums online without joining them and the Church is a bloody mess.
Don't we feel ANY responsibility to do the work of a Paul or a John or do what Jesus Himself would be doing at this moment? HE wrote that whole book that we call our Bibles. HE wrote the O.T. and the New -- but we've cut it up to only the portions that bring us "comfort".
Does He only preach "comfort" and does He limit us to only speak the pleasant things from His Word? That would leave very much neglected from it - that is for certain.
We have this "I'm going Home and who cares about you others" mentality.
Even where I live, it's predominantly Catholic and Jewish, and even they "see" and want to know about the last days and as one of our dearly departed Saints of old wrote - In the Last Days - the Last Days will be "the message" from His Saints. I truly do believe that and have seen it as a major witnessing tool for those who are seeing the signs but don't have the understanding of what will happen next or how it ends.
The WHOLE of His Word brings the only true "comfort" and to dice His Word up and only eat and ration out to others 'parts', is to do a great disservice to our fellow humans - saved or unsaved.
We're risking becoming "self"-Centered by only choosing those 'comfort-foods' for 'ourselves', that we find in The Word of Life and not sharing the whole counself of GOD to this generation. The Testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy - so is His only word to this generation self-centered and blind to the realities of what's come and is coming upon this earth? Don't we feel, even in the least, to strengthen the Truth of His Prophetic words written for our discernment of times.
He comes at the end of the world - Matthew 13/John 6, etc - so what do we do with all that He's written, that transpires "in the meantime", before That Day? |
| 2011/2/17 11:15 | | ccchhhrrriiisss Member

Joined: 2003/11/23 Posts: 4779
| Re: Moving | | Hi Sister Ginnyrose...
Thank you for posting this! I have an 88-year old neighbor who recently did the same thing. I might share what you said here with him.
May the Lord bless you and keep you in your new home.
_________________ Christopher
| 2011/2/17 11:21 | Profile | DesertRose Member

Joined: 2007/8/8 Posts: 123 Boston.MA
| Re: Moving | |
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
We become so attached to "things" don't we? I have been experiencing something similar. I am not moving but have had to clear out closets and personal items from my living room in order for flooring to be installed. I pulled out things long forgotten....dishes.. I probably will never use..vases.. candle know the little bric-a-brac that cries "please release me let me go" yet we find the need to hold on to the familiar. I am determined, like you, to discard or give away items no longer increase my living area. Thank you for your thoughts. It was a blessing to read.
| 2011/2/17 11:54 | Profile | ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: Moving | | We have not moved yet, but know the day is approaching soon. Every time I drive by the house, I get so excited it fills me with much pleasure.
As I think about this, I am reminded of heaven. I like to read about it, read John's description of it as well as testimonies of reliable Christians who saw beyond the veil. As I read I get so excited, I can hardly wait. I am not old but old enough to be the mother or grandmother of many here so logically speaking most of my life has been lived. And I am closer to that moving...
Did y'all ever study the description John shares in Revelation 4? and in 5:11 it tells us the number of angels is 10,000 x 10,000 plus thousands. Know how much that is? A minimum of one hundred million. I cannot imagination is too puny.
_________________ Sandra Miller
| 2011/2/24 20:10 | Profile |
| Re: Moving | | Ginny wrote on the Zephaniah thread - "How many times do we think we have to do all the speaking when we come into the LORD's presence? Can we be quiet and not say anything? Just listen?"
Yea-men... That's my new way of saying "Amen" in my mind, as of a few weeks ago and I don't know why - but I love that "just listen" part of your post.
This is so very true. Have had a computer and internet capable since 6/02 and four times I felt the LORD to tell me to get off the internet, as it turned out, for a year each time - and then once for 6 mos - then once 3 mos and once 3 wks. Bless GOD what a beautiful time it was, each of those times, back offline again. It really does make a difference to shut out all of the voices and then come back, only when He confirms it, in several ways. I always come back knowing, it's only temporary again, but I so much enjoy the fellowship of The Saints of GOD.
LORD Bless your move Ginnyrose, but don't go to Heaven without us ... I'd be too jealous, as I always am when my brethren get there before me, Amen, but see you there. All His Best!
| 2011/2/24 21:58 | | ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | Quote:
but don't go to Heaven without us ... I'd be too jealous, as I always am when my brethren get there before me, Amen, but see you there.
:-) Have no clue when this could happen. At the moment I am in good health, ah reckon, unless you believe life to be terminal. I can't take anyone with me...but I do think one of the most wonderful things will be to visit with people.
I find it interesting you feel jealous when your friends precede you there. I feel the same way. And you know what - now this will be scandalous to some - but I enjoy going to the funeral of a saint who has lived a faithful life! I am sure you know why....ever noticed how sacred that funeral service is? The quietness, the stillness, a holy quietness? Ever hear it? You know Eccles. 7:2 says: It is better to go to a house of mourning Than to go to a house of feasting, Because that is the end of every man, And the living takes it to heart." What a person does not learn there....
Attending funerals assists one to keep a proper perspective of life and current events that work to trouble us and get us in a wad.
See ya there - someday! :-)
_________________ Sandra Miller
| 2011/2/24 22:29 | Profile |