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Discussion Forum : Articles and Sermons : A SEASON of BREAKTHROUGH by Andrew Strom

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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


A couple of weeks ago we put out a word entitled "First the Bad
News". It looked at the huge "shaking" that is already underway
around the globe this year, as well as the fragility of the economic
system in the face of the long downturn. 2011 certainly looks to
be a "shaking" year.

But now I want to look at the "good" news. You see, I believe all
this shaking is exactly the environment in which God's true remnant
is designed to THRIVE. A couple of years ago, speaking about
this very thing, I wrote an article called "Expand While the Devil
Shrinks". I believe we are right now entering a time of breakthrough
and advancement and "action" for the remnant of God that has
been going through a great 'desert' still clinging to pure Truth. A
time of real "release" is near.

Certainly, we personally sense a great time of "New Beginnings"
this year and next.

In my article 2 years ago I wrote: "Are you one who has spent years
in the wilderness, waiting for God's moment? Are you a David in the
caves, a Joseph in the dungeons? Couldn't it be that this is the very
moment that God has been preparing you for, all this time?...
You see, the "big boys" with their shallow gospel are in increasing
trouble through all of this. They rely on big money, big media, big
hype and big budgets to get their message out. And the budget is
looking rather sick. Could it be that God is leveling the playing field?
... Are the little guys with their message of repentance and heart-
holiness about to break through the glass ceiling that has kept
them down for so long?"

My belief is that the power of Mammon will increasingly lose it's
grip on the Western church - and the power of 'Kundalini' even more
so. Both will be in more and more trouble, and slowly I believe the
Truth will come more and more into the ascendant. Those with a
real message of Truth who have been on the back foot for years
are about to have their moment. And we need to seize hold of it
when it arrives. But it will be far easier with the wind at our backs.
We won't need to "strive". This is God's doing - and for us His
burden will be light. But we do need to be ready to act and to move
and to step boldly into His plan. "Expand while the devil shrinks".
Be daring and move forward. Take action in the Lord.

Already the deceivers and false teachers are struggling. Already
the "Mammonizers" and spiritual compromizers find themselves
on the back foot. This will grow greater and greater, I believe.
Jesus wants His church back. And great will be the crash of
once-mighty manipulators. Already it has begun.

Who will step into this breach? Only those who are ready. Only
those who are prepared. Only those who have truly come through
the wilderness with no bitterness, no malice and are fully ready
for their "Jordan".

I want to encourage the remnant of God with these words: Prepare
for action. Prepare to "step up". Be on the lookout for open doors
and opportunities. Test the waters and move out.

"For many that are first shall be last, and many that are last shall
be first." Be alert to move, my friends. We are entering a new time.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2011/2/15 22:03Profile

Joined: 2009/12/8
Posts: 1795

 Re: A SEASON of BREAKTHROUGH by Andrew Strom

Who will step into this breach? Only those who are ready. Only those who are prepared. Only those who have truly come through the wilderness with no bitterness, no malice and are fully ready for their "Jordan".

Glory to God! Lead the way and make us ready O,Lord!

 2011/2/16 12:30Profile

Joined: 2010/6/13
Posts: 2

 Re: A SEASON of BREAKTHROUGH by Andrew Strom

One of many voices speaking the same thing to our hearts.....Amen, and thanks for sharing it!

 2011/2/16 14:38Profile

Joined: 2010/4/21
Posts: 227


"Mammonizers" and spiritual compromizers

ill have to borrow those terms

 2011/2/17 11:14Profile

Joined: 2010/4/21
Posts: 227

 Re: A SEASON of BREAKTHROUGH by Andrew Strom

To borrow from a typical mammonite

"i receive it i receive it"

 2011/2/17 11:15Profile

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