One should be very cautious while reading the account of TAS on for it is biased.It says there that TAS lost "the flow of the Spirit" after his last visit to Taiwan in 1957.Anyone familiar with TAS' ministry after this date knows that this is absolutely not true. And what is not true is a lie.
_________________Didier Lebeau
For those who are not familiar with It belongs to the Witness Lee produces the texts by Mr. Sparks in an unbiased fashion.Lars
_________________Lars Widerberg
The statement about Mr. Sparks and his ministry which dear Didier refers to is to be found in T. Austin-Sparks: A Brief History of the Lord's Recovery authored by James Reetzke.This item has no historical or spiritual value. It reveals no material which cannot be found elsewhere. The unique comments made in it is of a derogatory kind, all to often to be found in the flow of texts produced by adherents to Witness Lee and the Local Church- teachings.We are thankful to Didier for the remark.Lars