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Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862

 It's tough to give.

My wife and I are happy and are seeking the will of God for our lives. We have been learning and going deeper in Christ Love and have found the tradition tithe of the church doesn't quite reach the giving of the New Testament. My personal view of tithing is if you give to a brother or sister in need you are giving to the Church (for Christ's Church is a Spiritual Body) What I find tough and exciting is the giving we are now doing, each pay day is a new adventure for us as we seek Christ in how He wants us to use steward out His money for His Kingdom.

Giving sure is tough :)

I don't say this to boast because our substance comes from Christ alone but I post this to ask, Any ideas on where to invest in the Kindgom? Any charities that you know about which would be admirable to give to, Or creative ideas to give to one in secret? My wife being the caring and loving person she is is always quick to find a person in need, she picks up on what people are saying and looks and sees the need, I however am still developing this.

Any suggestions will be prayed about and the Lord will be sought on for His kindgom and Glory! Thank you all so much!

God Bless,

Matthew Guldner

 2011/1/15 22:36Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: It's tough to give.


I have posted the mission on the top left of SermonIndex. If anyone anonymously donated to SermonIndex via paypal with GFA as a note I would pass it on to them anonymously. I believe this is a tremendous place to donate to reach the unreached 2 billion who have not heard the Name of Jesus Christ.

It seems the Lord has you in a good place of realizing everything is His! A booklet I recommend reading on this subject is:

MUST READ BOOKLET: True Discipleship by William MacDonald

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2011/1/15 22:45Profile

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862


Thank you for the suggestion brother Greg I will definitely be lifting them up in my prayers and should the Lord lead donate to aid them.

Matthew Guldner

 2011/1/15 23:41Profile

Joined: 2006/8/10
Posts: 661

 Re: It's tough to give.

Another Christian charity that is well deserving is The Voice of the Martyrs. They minister to the persecuted Church of Jesus Christ around the world. The web address is:

They have a special ministry of getting Bibles into the hands of Christians in nations that are hostile to Christianity. It is called Bibles Unbound. I regularly give to this mission. You can read about it here:

I also donate to Gospel For Asia. I know that both GFA and VOM are both well run organizations and no money is wasted or squandered on posh offices or exorbitant salaries.

 2011/1/16 1:04Profile

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862


Oh yeah I am connected with VOM as well! Great ministry I actually ordered some of their bracelet things to help me remember to pray more for our persecuted brothers and sisters. I think I have heard of biblesunbound as well but am not as familiar with them.

I thought of another thing I could do is order bibles in bulk and give them away, but this got me to thinking about or missionaries and those connected to GFA and VOM and thought that we have TONS of bibles over here but very few over where they would really get a ton of use. It's an idea that I am still kicking around but as of now I feel more comfortable giving to a place I know needs and uses its funds wisely getting more "bang for my buck" so to speak but with the Lord's money :)

Matthew Guldner

 2011/1/18 1:44Profile

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