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 Church Safety & Security Course Coming to Seattle‏!!!!

i just recieved this in my EMAIL! (of all places) and for some reason i find it amusing...dont know why. i'm all for 2nd amendment rights, but if feel you gotta go gunned up to Church, or "worried" about....wait for it....getting killed in Church, this is the conference for you!


January 2011

Church Security Training Seminar - Receive a Free Workplace Violence Prevention Video Program Just for Attending (Limit 1 per Church)
-Learn to assess your church for critical security vulnerabilities
-Be able to prioritize and react to security threats
-Recognize signs of a potential crisis before it occurs
-Learn how to respond to and survive an active shooter incident
-Learn to develop and implement a crisis management plan
-Determine strategies to reduce the likelihood that your church will become a target of violence
-Discover how to keep your church family and visitors safe in uncertain times
-Best practices for travel safety training for your Mission Teams
-A Best Practices approach to church security that can be scaled to your resources and needs

Take advantage of these benefits by attending a one-day church training seminar sponsored by the Center for Personal Protection and Safety on February 17, 2011 at Seattle First Presbyterian Church, 1013 8th Avenue, Seattle, WA.

Registration is only $149, and all participating churches will receive Flash Point: Recognizing and Preventing Violence in the Workplace - a 695.00 value! (Limit 1 per church)

Click here to register online:

To register by phone or to find future dates and locations, contact Jerry McConnell at 509-252-8533 or via email at [email protected].

"I have now (twice!) attended the Ministry Security Course sponsored by the Center for Personal Protection and Safety and say confidently that this course is the best, most comprehensive campus safety course out there, period. There is no fluff to this presentation - just straight talk and very practical advice on running a safe and secure church. I enthusiastically recommend this course to any organization of any size."
- Mr. Randy Reeves, Executive Pastor
Woodlands Church


 2011/1/11 14:42

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Re: Trusting in the arm of the flesh

This is a natural outworking of the petty kingdoms of men in the context of people who do not understand the judgement of God. I was reading Isaiah 36-39 last night which tells of God rescuing Judah when the Assyrians attacked during Hezekiah's reign. He humbled himself and sought the Lord and the Lord saved the people. Later, when Hezekiah faced what he considered an early death, he pleaded with God to extend his life he might enjoy life with mankind and worshipping in the Temple. God did extend his life but because his heart was set on his own glory, he ended his life with the knowledge that his descendants would face Babylonian captivity and some would become eunuchs because he had grown proud in the glory of Jerusalem and shown all he possessed to the envoy from Babylon.

It is interesting how this correlates to these "church safety" courses. God has given these people much wealth but because they love it more than Christ Jesus they do all sorts of things to protect it. I have noticed that all churches I have seen in this area have security systems and the larger ones have guards. Why can't we be thankful with food and clothing?

 2011/1/11 15:25Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: Church Safety & Security Course Coming to Seattle‏!!!!

I really don't know what to think except that I know I wouldn't attend this meeting.

Sounds like these haven't grown enough to fully surrendered their lives and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that what comes into their life has had to come through the hand of God first.

Pray for them!

God bless you,

PS: (edit) I read Jeremy's post... what he said!!! Excellent point Jeremy!


 2011/1/11 15:30Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 2732


Many Americans are obsessed with security. It's all some people know how to talk about anymore in the news. Job security, financial security, port security, data secuirty, network secuirty, personal security, emotional security, home security, national security, homeland security, even eternal security.

Interesting larger question to me is, why is it the more people have, the more insecure they feel? I believe it has something to do with how we can gear up emotionally and mentally for risk and challenges when we have to, but as we attain more security we want to be insulated from risk and challenges. For instance I've noticed in general that entrprenures, with no job security, tend to be more optimistic about their futures, then employees, who have at least some job security, but tend to be pessimistic about their futures.

Mike Compton

 2011/1/11 17:08Profile

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