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allensmith Member
Joined: 2009/3/13 Posts: 55
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2010/12/24 3:03 | Profile |
Miccah Member
Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: The Biblical Perspective on Christmas | | Do you celebrate any birthdays Allensmith? Your children's birthdays? Do you come down on someone at work for saying "happy birthday" to you? They are celebrating your birthday, yet, it is not talked about in the Bible.?
What do you do Allensmith?
_________________ Christiaan
2010/12/24 3:17 | Profile |
JB1968 Member
Joined: 2009/8/31 Posts: 416 Ohio USA
| Re: | | I still brush my teeth, even though the Bible doesn't say anything about it....
Merry Christmas Everyone! _________________ James
2010/12/24 8:22 | Profile |
Lesserlight Member
Joined: 2010/9/19 Posts: 134
| Re: | |
Do you celebrate any birthdays Allensmith? Your children's birthdays? Do you come down on someone at work for saying "happy birthday" to you? They are celebrating your birthday, yet, it is not talked about in the Bible.?
What would you say to someone who said happy birthday to you when it was not your birthday?
Now to put it proper perspective what would you say to your children if they said happy birthday on the wrong day all because they never cared enough to find out when your birthday really was?
We are called to worship in spirit and in truth and that means not believing in lies about Jesus........... Jesus was no more born Christmas day then there is man in the moon.
Do you really want believe the Jesus was born on Christmas that follows a pagan yule tree ritual just because someone decided to make it a commercial holiday?
Do you ever wonder why the Bible says that they will make merchandise of you?............. Christmas is a perfect example of the world making merchandise out of Jesus Christ along with most of those who call upon His name.
However Jesus said that His father looks for those who worship in spirit and in truth........... now which side of the coin is for you?
2010/12/24 8:43 | Profile |
Miccah Member
Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: | | Doug. Christ death on the cross in no way is depleted or mocked by my family celebrating His birth. His birth doesn't fall on Dec. 25th? So what? Who cares? We are not celebrating a day, or presents, or a tree, etc... we are celebrating the One who is all in all, the Lord Jesus! They have been told and taught what others think and believe about Christmas, that it is not about Jesus. They know that there is no santa claus, reindeer, etc... What they do know is that it is about Jesus.
Brother, I understand your concerns, I truly do. I used to be there with you. I used to hold to a strict idea that, "If it wasn't in the bible, it is not to be observed etc..." but that is not the truth. The truth is, that it IS a heart issue.
What side of the coin am I on? Please brother... Jesus side. Christmas celebration is ONLY about Jesus and is a form of worship to Him.
Let me ask you, do you celebrate Jesus on Christmas, or is this day off limits for your celebration and worship of Him? _________________ Christiaan
2010/12/24 11:16 | Profile |
Lesserlight Member
Joined: 2010/9/19 Posts: 134
| Re: | | Hello Miccah
Firstly..... I celebrate Jesus every day and I ask Him to remind me of the times that I fail to walk as He would have to walk and talk as He would have me to talk.
Also I am quite confident in the fact that you love the Lord and neither you nor your family mock or would intentionally misrepresent Him.......
The way you speak of Christmas is a cut above the norm but have you sought out why Jesus was born when He was and not just any old day?...... If you truly have been where I have been (and I hope for your sake you have not) then you would understand why I search for the truths in the manner that I do.
I am not going to judge you for why and when you celebrate his birthday but I will make the point that should you decide to be able to tell your family when His birthday is and why it is at that time will cause increase in their desire to know all of the truth........ not as the "curiosity that killed the cat" but the satisfaction that brings them back........ do you understand what I am saying?
Secondly...... His real birthday is not stated anywhere in the Bible just as a lot of other very important things are hidden from God's children with the separation between the goats and the sheep being is those who seek out the truths from those who do not.
Solomon agrees with me except rather than call them sheep He called them Kings because he was speaking of those who would come to rule with Him in His Kingdom
The following is a copy and paste about Solomon's words
"Prov.25: 2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
11. A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
In the above verses the words thing and matter in verse 2 as well as word" in verse 11 are all different English translations of the same Hebrew word dabar being translated into the English language as different metaphors of the same word. However as it is used here in Proverbs means it is a spiritual word or better yet a word from God. Here we are being told that God has hidden His plans and purposes just as Jesus spoke in parables to keep things hidden from those who were not meant to understand because the message does not apply to them. Meanwhile those who will become His kings on earth will search these words out in the scriptures and acquire the aforementioned knowledge spoken of in verse two as concealed matters (knowledge of Gods word). This knowledge is compared to apples because the Word of God is fruit to be consumed becoming a part of us just as it did in Jesus who appeared unto the world as Word made flesh. "
You see Miccah......... it is all about us worshipping in truth and not about a day that because of the lack of truth has become the accepted "birthday" of Jesus Christ....... because then the next thing they came up with is the second biggest day in the year of the church that just so happens to follow after another pagan day that changed the Passover sacrifice and His resurrection to a happy bunny day called easter........... Dear Sister in Christ, can you not see a pattern here that started back in the garden?
Paul said that we are to be able to be presented as living sacrifices and chaste virgins before a very Holy God....... not that He does not have a sense of humor and always just to forgive us, but it is to be without us ever forgetting the fact that He is a Holy God who still carries the wounds of our sins.
Is that not enough so that on any day of the year that we should be able to speak the truth of why and when Jesus was born?
Personally I do not care about bad habits or other things that we do (or I do) that are not for our benefit but when it comes to Jesus Christ things change.
2010/12/24 12:26 | Profile |
jlara Member
Joined: 2010/11/16 Posts: 5
| Re: Christmas | | Brothers,
I once had similar beliefs to Doug. Nevertheless I had been taught by a denomination that Celebrating Christmas is anti scriptural or anti biblical. Although the day that Christ was born is not mentioned in the bible, I find no sin in celebrating Christ in this holiday. Romans 14:3 States "Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him (NKJ)." Doug if you do not celebrate Christmas for personal reasons it is not sin, but we should be careful not to judge others for doing so. I admire your desire for truth through Christ and his word. But if I were to belittle you in any type of way because you do not celebrate Christmas I would already be in violation of the most important commandment "love your neighbor as yourself". I understand when exhortation is needed and one must speak rightfully to defend the truth, but issues such as these are not worth even arguing about. Let him who eats meat eat it with a clean conscious and him who does not let him not eat it. In other words Paul was saying if your conscious does not permit you to eat meat don't eat it. If your conscious does not permit you to hold this holiday don't do it, but if it does do it for the glory of God. Holding Christmas does not violate the moral law in my opinion, but if you feel that holding this holiday you are committing idolatry by worshiping a deity or a tree don't do it.
Love You in Christ,
John |
2010/12/24 12:51 | Profile |
Miccah Member
Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: | | Doug. Just as a side note, I am a brother in Christ :-P
Blessings brother! _________________ Christiaan
2010/12/24 13:49 | Profile |
Lesserlight Member
Joined: 2010/9/19 Posts: 134
| Re: | | Thanks for the correction brother......... sorry for the error
2010/12/24 14:00 | Profile |