Excerpt from the book "The Great Falling Away Today" by the late Milton GreenBook available as free pdf download."When people look at the Word of God from any standpoint other than Gods point of view, they have tunnel vision. Tunnel vision causes them to gather around only a part of the Word of God rather than the whole counsel of God. They will also have a Pharisaical attitude of we have all the light. Then their religious structure becomes an idol in their hearts. They cannot be led out of darkness, because they will not receive any truth that conflicts with their doctrine. This is exactly how an idol in someones heart causes a veil to be over their face today. They do not have spiritual eyes to see, or ears to hear, and they cannot understand Gods Word. God tells us in Ezekiel 14:3 Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumbling block of their iniquity before their face: should I be inquired of at all by them? The Pharisees loved their religious system more than they loved Jesus when He came to them. Therefore, the words Jesus spoke could have no place in their hearts; their religious structure had their hearts. If they had loved God and if He had their hearts, they would have received the whole counsel of Gods Word and could have been led out of darkness. However, they could not have receive any new light, because they thought they already had all the light. Therefore, they did not have ears to hear, eyes to see, nor could they understand the rest of the Bible, because their religious system had become their whole source of truth. Many cannot be led out of spiritual darkness today, because their hearts have become too hardened by resisting Gods Word. Jesus said to the Pharisees: Why do you not understand my speech? Even because you cannot hear my word (John 8:43). They could not hear, because they had taken only a part of the Word of God and built a religious structure that had captured their hearts. They could not receive any new light, because the words Jesus spoke would not fit their religious structures."
Very good post Oracio. Praise the Lord.The Bible says : " God created man in His own image." It is equally true that man would like to create God in his own image. We like to focus on the things of God that would benefit us, His mercy and love. These are true attributes of God, but they are not all that God is. In other religions like Islam there is no need for Jesus, because in the mind of a Muslim God can do anything He pleases. He could forgive sin, look the other way. Why does some one have to die?But in the Bible we see that God can not do just about anything. There are things that violate His character. His justice had to be met in order for Him to forgive man. In Christ alone both the justice and mercy of God were perfectly reconciled. No, God can not do certain things, not God of the Bible. Because He is God He can not. Not only that He would not, but also "HE CAN NOT". We aought to take Him all or not at all. Same with His Word. We do not have the option to pick and choose. Praise be to God. He is infinitly wise in all His ways.
Amen UntoBabes. Praise God that He continues to lead us into more and more of His light. The moment we say in our heart that we don't need anymore light from God's Word is the moment we are blinded and deceived.As I read that excerpt from Green I thought it was a good brief explanation of why there are so many splinters and denominations within Christianity today. Take for example the 'extremists' on the Calvinism vs Armenianism division. One side has a hard time with the sovereignty of God and the other side has a hard time with the free will of man. Yet it seems both are clearly taught in the whole counsel of God.Disclaimer: not meant to start a debate on that topic ;)Both 'extremists' have tunnel vision, only accepting certain parts of Scripture that fit their particular brand of theology.
We as people tend to read the bible with filters for our specific doctrines it is only when we let these filters down and take the Word in its entirity is when the Lord will teach us what His desires. With these filters we read from an Isogesis Interpretation rather the Exogesis. Its very important we drop preconcieved notice taught by tradition and really get down to the basics of what the bible says on its own.
_________________Matthew Guldner
Amen brothers,I am very encouraged by these posts.I think if we spend the same amount of time we spend reading commentaries and books written by men on reading the Word instead, and praying. We will have so much revelations to bring all the pieces together in perfect harmony.