The Very Essence Of ChristHumble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. - 1 Peter 5:6How very blessed is the person who is truly humble of heart, for they hold the very essence of Christ in their hands. Though He was mighty when on this earth, He chose instead to don the cloak of meekness and humility by being a servant to His own creation. And then, in the end, He made the ultimate sacrifice -- a horrible and degrading death -- that man might be reconciled with the Father and enjoy everlasting life.Now His children reach out with humble hands to offer others the opportunity to know their Lord and Savior. Humble tongues preach the Gospel of peace. Humble hearts reflect the glory that is in Christ. They do not call attention to themselves, nor do they claim the glory when someone to whom they witness accepts Jesus. But like all the angels of Heaven with them, they rejoice that another soul is saved from the lake of fire.Humility is a personal quality that shows dependence on God and a high regard for others. The humble person emulates Jesus in everything they do, and in every relationship they enjoy. Jesus has that effect on people. Even those not yet committed to Christ are affected and, themselves, show humility when they approach Him.Take, for example, the centurion who asked Jesus heal his servant (Matthew 8:5-10). He used the title "Lord" when addressing Jesus. He showed humility when saying he was unworthy to have Jesus enter his house. He showed uncommon concern for another. And most important of all, he showed faith in Jesus by saying, "But speak the word only, and my servant will be healed." (Matthew 8:8b)If the Son of God can humble Himself before His Father's creation, can we not be meek and humble before our Creator and His creation? Offer the very essence of Christ -- humility with holy, outstretched hands to others. If their hearts are open to your words, they will glorify He who sent you to witness to them.
_________________Ed Price