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Joined: 2006/8/10
Posts: 661

 Re: Some history of the reformation we need to look at. Life and death..

The Jesuits are a Catholic Order established in the early 1500's by Ignatius de Loyola whose mission was to destroy all heretics (all Protestants). Their constitution condones and even promotes the maxim of "the end justifies the means". They will lie, steal or kill if it results in bringing others in submission to the Pope or furthering the power of the Catholic Church. Their supreme commander, the Jesuit General, is referred to as the "Black Pope". The pope (Benedict) is a figurehead, the real power rests with the Jesuit General.

More info can be found in the excellent book Vatican Assassins:

 2010/12/14 0:03Profile


'How I would vastly need God's grace under such a circumstance."

Gods grace is sufficient brother and He will never leave us nor forsake us. By the way Ginneyrose, I dont believe that there will be torture involved, I dont believe that the time just before Christ comes back will be a time of the enemy trying to get someone to convert. The enemy will simply be trying to kill every Christian on the Frank

 2010/12/14 9:50

 Re: Terrorism and the reward.

I believe that it is healthy and natural to tremor some,with considering the viciousness and cruelty that the Roman "church" has responded to all who will not bend the knee to her authority....[and wicked faith.] [She has not changed...but forced to apply a bit more make-up..]

It is apparent that the church is destined for a time of trial, that will encompass the entire earth, America included. These tortures against the family of God in the reformation centuries were meant to instill terror.

As today, when we consider the Satanic will involved, and willing human beings that would actually implement this degree of Sadism to another of Gods creatures, we shutter.

Imagine one of your children, say your 12 year old daughter, subjected to the unthinkable, while you must watch. ...All in the name of serving God. Most parents probably would recant Jesus, on the spot. This was the idea, and the nature of terrorism. Total fear injected...
...[4]And Satan answered the LORD, and said, "Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life.

5. But put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face."

This is how Satan thinks, and his strategy to dominate, and the nature of terrorism.
1. And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.

2. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

3. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

I think that this refers to the Roman Catholic Church; and she will fall; utterly destroyed and humiliated. The question is, to WHO? I believe that Islam will rise, and through a series of global wars that weakens the West immensely,and rise to implement the Mark of the Beast....the Islamic Messiah. The meaning of Islam is to submit.

Whatever that mark is, you must have it to buy or sell, and the penalty for it's refusal will be death...mostly as it is today in Sharia Law.... by beheading. This usually is not tortuous.

But let us remember, Jesus promised a remnant..and even some who would be kept from "The Hour of Temptation that will encompass the whole World."

There will be those who will witness the glorious return of the Lord Jesus Himself, and meet those already under the alter of God, who have cried out, "How Long? Will you not avenge our blood?" Some died 2000 years ago..... [ these were beheaded...KJV..]

I believe that immense commensurate Faith and Grace will fall upon these end-time Remnant people, more than we can imagine. "The Bride has made herself ready..."...but the garments of righteousness are from the Lord. BT

 2010/12/14 10:55

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862


Hey there brother Tom you have said some interesting thing that raised a comment that may not be 100% but just what someone told me I am curious as to see if it's true.

I was told the Pope stated the Islamic Messiah is more likely the true Messiah.

Matthew Guldner

 2010/12/14 19:34Profile

 Re: Two Messiah's...The first and the last???

" I am curious as to see if it's true......
I was told the Pope stated the Islamic Messiah is more likely the true Messiah."..mguldner

That would be some news if it were true, but I doubt it. His authority rests on himself being the "vicar" of Christ...[and I stress the word THE...meaning one and only..], meaning that the Pope is the representative on the EARTH with the valid authority to rule in His name.

He would never abdicate that position by such a statement, and if he were to, he would probably disappear into the night. There is a long history of some infamous assassinations within the walls of the Vatican.

As far a Islam goes, remember that the holy wars of the crusades were primarily a battle between Islam and the West for control of the known world, and the RCC was the primary standard bearer for the armies of Europe against the Muslim aggression.

This battle continues today of course, with a meteoric rise in Islamic power due to OIL wealth from the PERSIAN GULF, and a resurgence of the spirit of JIHAD, or Holy War.

I also believe though, that IT IS and WILL BE a battle of the TWO Messiahs, and which one is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. This is why I believe the White horse of Revelation is Islam.

Mohammed rose to Heaven flying on his famous WHITE STEED;

"Muhammad's extraordinary journey to heaven started in the Ka'bah in Mecca, where he was sleeping. The archangel Gabriel woke him up and led him outside to Buraq, a white horse (the name means 'white horse') equipped with huge wings.

Buraq took Muhammad to visit heaven, visiting Jerusalem en route. Muhammad passed through the various stages of heaven, meeting Adam in the first, Jesus in the second and so on. In the sixth heaven he met Moses, and in the seventh, Abraham. Beyond it was Paradise. Before Buraq returned him home, Muhammad also visited hell.

The story of Muhammad's journey has had a profound influence on Islamic thought, and Sufism in particular sees it as a powerful metaphor for man's spiritual journey.".......[British Library; UK...<

"Before the door stood a Horse as dazzling as Gabriel. It had wings, glittering wings of an immense eagle. Gabriel presented the Horse to Mohammed, saying that it was "Burak" the Horse of Abraham. Burak whinnied and allowed Mohammed to vault on its back.

Then, drinking the wind, it galloped to the street and as it came to the walls of the sleeping city, it spread its wings and soared into the starry night. First of all, they went to the summit of Mount Sinai, at the very place where Jehovah had given the stone tables to Moses.

Then, they flew on and went to Bethlehem at the exact place where Jesus was born. And finally, depending on the different versions, they went to Heaven, or into a Holy Temple in Heaven, where Mohammed met with many of the Holy Land's previous Horsemen... Adam, Noah, Enoch (apparently, known by them as Idris), Moses, Isaac, Elijah, Jesus and a few others!!

And these guys spoke and told him : " We salute you, you the FIRST AND THE LAST..., O Gatherer of men." ...and Gabriel added : " We salute you, O you the FIRST, because you will be the FIRST person who, on Resurrection Day, will come out of his grave ; and the LAST, because you are the Seal and the last prophet.

You are a gatherer of men in the meaning that it belongs to you gather everyone for the resurrection and as such the whole community[ ISLAMIC FAITHFUL] will resurrect." ...[Volker Doorman..]..................

The total power structure resting in the hands of the Pope must reject the Islamic version of the Messiah, or relinquish her claim to being of God whatsoever. The Pope is not likely to do so.

Jesus is the First and the Last,and the beginning and the end. This is the final end time battle, and as I said, I believe that Islam will produce the anti-Christ who will subdue the entire world...including the USA.

There will be a faithful remnant loving Jesus alone though around the Earth , for it is written.

 2010/12/15 4:00

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


I believe that Islam will rise, and through a series of global wars that weakens the West immensely,and rise to implement the Mark of the Beast....the Islamic Messiah. The meaning of Islam is to submit.

I love to study Revelation, believing all will happen as written because that is the nature of prophecy. It also means we may have more questions then answers. But that is OK; we just keep on reading and as time goes on more things will make sense. That is the beauty of God's Word.

Now about recent years I get the sense that Islam will be a major player in the end times. For many years it was a sleeping entity on the political scene until in recent years where it has risen to to a power to be respected.

Consider Rev. 20: 1-6: (NASB)
1Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand.

2And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years;

3and he threw him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were completed; after these things he must be released for a short time.

4Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

5The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection.

6Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years.

In v. 4 we see who were resurrected in the first resurrection, who were the ones who ruled with Jesus for a thousand years:

1. They were the ones who were beheaded.
2. They were those who had not worshiped the beast or his image.
3. They had had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand.

These were people who lived at the end of the age, who succumbed to the atrocities of the beast. They were beheaded.

Consider beheading for a moment: this method of execution had fallen into disfavor in the much of the world in the 20th century except for the Islam world who still embraced this method of execution. IF they are the ones who will eventually rule the world, one can reasonably expect that this will become the choice method of execution. (Edited) The ones who Jesus will resurrect with be those that were victims of the beast, etc. and who will rule with him for a thousand years.

What say?

Sandra Miller

 2010/12/15 9:50Profile

 Serving the God of Fortresses....[WAR]

"Consider beheading for a moment: this method of execution had fallen into disfavor in the much of the world in the 20th century except for the Islam world who still embraced this method of execution.

IF they are the ones who will eventually rule the world, one can reasonably expect that this will become the choice method of execution.

The ones who Jesus will resurrect with be those that were victims of the beast, etc. and who will rule with him for a thousand years."................................................................

Exactly Ginnyrose....This fact has also influenced my ideas, and as you say, along with their rocket like rise to power, coupled with their ideas about JIHAD....subdueing EVERYONE under the sword of Mohammed..[The sword is on their flag....]...It appears to me that out of Islam..

Authorities examined the hadiths and teachings about Al-Madhi, we now summarize what we know about al-Mahdi from the above discussion.

* He will be Islam's deliverer.
* He is to be a descendant of Muhammad.
* He is to bear the name or some variant name of Muhammad.
* He will look like a Bani Israel.
* He will lead the Muslims and wage jihad against them rest of the world.
* He will rule over the world.
* He will cause Islam to be the only religion in the world and rule with Islamic Law.
* He will unite Islam (2 horns?)
* He will be much loved by the world.
* He will conquer the Jews and slaughter them.
* He will set up his seat of authority in Jerusalem.
* He will rule for seven years (or 8, or 9).
* He will make a treaty of seven years with a person of priestly lineage.
* He will possess and distribute wealth to the Muslims.
* He will discover a new Torah, Gospel, and the Ark, and will use them to argue and persuade Jews and Christian, and cause many people to follow him into Islam.
* During his rule, there will be good rain, great harvest and crops."

The article goes on to connect this Mahdi with the antichrist of Bible prophecy. I believe the article's section on the Biblical antichrist has some problems such as the use of Daniel 8 to describe the future ...

[Watchman bible study..] on line..

I think we will see anti-Christ emerge from Islam.

 2010/12/15 10:11

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