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Joined: 2010/6/26
Posts: 483


Thanks for sharing that, jimp.

This sin is particularly binding, because it affects a person’s perception of spirituality. For instance, someone can be fooled into thinking that he is filled and baptized with the Holy Spirit because he is looking for indications that he is more spiritual than others (i.e., a superior level of spirituality). Thus, when the counterfeit comes (counterfeit tongues, counterfeit miracles, counterfeit feelings of spirituality, etc.), the person assumes that this must be the real thing, thereby indicating the person’s superior spirituality. Hence, someone will claim to be filled with the Holy Spirit because he speaks gibberish, because people get out of control under his influence, and because he speaks very passionately and with a loud voice. As such, these indicators become the point of reference for determining one’s own superior spirituality.

However, God defines spirituality very differently. Namely, according to God, someone is spiritual if he is poor in spirit, meek, merciful, unconditionally loving, filled with self-control, knowing nothing but Christ and Him crucified, exalting the Lord Jesus Christ, not thinking that he is better than others but recognizing that God gives the same Spirit to all for the common good, restoring transgressors with gentleness, increasing in the knowledge of God, and thinking of himself with sober judgment (Matthew 5:3-10, Galatians 5:22-23, 1Corinthians 2:1-16, 1Corinthians 12:1-7, Colossians 1:9-10, Romans 12:3).

Therefore, this whole concept of exalting oneself goes against the will of God. In fact, it is an act of the sinful nature which must be put to death by the Spirit. The reality is that God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

I am glad that God has convicted you of your sin, jimp. I can tell you that God has done the same for me, over and over again. Praise the Lord for His discipline! Apart from the grace of God, I would have no desire to walk in obedience! If God withdrew His gracious love from me, I would fall back into wickedness in a heartbeat. Therefore, may all the glory be given to Him for this salvation and sanctification that He works in his children. He is the author and the perfecter of our faith. Praise be to His Name!


 2010/12/21 7:40Profile

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