Modern gospel Christians are parrots, not eagles, and rather than sail out and up to explore the illimitable ranges of the kingdom of God they are content to sit safe on their familiar perches and repeat in a bright falsetto religious words and phrases the meaning of which they scarcely understand at all. The great religious thinkers of the past were rarely men of leisure; mostly they were men of affairs, close to and very much a part of the troubled world. Neither will the sanctified thinkers of our times be a poet gazing at a sunset from some quiet secluded spot, but one who feels himself a traveler lost in a wilderness who must find his way to safety. That others will later follow the path he makes will not be primary in his thinking. Later he will understand this, but for the time being he will be all engaged hunting the way out for himself.(The Set Of The Sail, pages- 63 & 65)Let us seek the face of our Lord.In Him,Matthew
Hebrews 11"Through weakness, were made strong......"33. "who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, "out of weakness were made strong," became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. "Who would ever think of themselves as a leader in their many weak wanderings, especially in the "thinking" realm. I love A. W. Tozer so much I think for his bravery to think "outside the box", and to apply it to truth, and the gospel. It is true.I think of the Catholic monk Martin Luther who started the revolution, the return, in his thinking. Somewhere along the line, he said; This is wrong...and you know this thought was taboo....and in the midst of his weakness he threw caution to the wind, and went for it. He got his hammer out.[nailing the 95 to the door...]He wasn't always a champion in defending the faith....he had to begin as we all do...weak and wandering, until holy inspiration turns to holy bravery to say and do the right thing.Thanks mattandliz: this little article encouraged me.....
This is a great post.
_________________Jeremiah Dusenberry
If you ever see a sanctified thinker, he will be someone who is despised by kin and foe. Interceding for those who despise him behind their back and pronouncing judgment on them to their faces. He is never great in the eyes of anyone including his own.So, I don't think you will ever find a sanctified thinker who is great and soaring in the sky like an eagle. In fact, he probably will be like a parrot, not that he will be repeating the message of someone else, but his own over and over again. Judgment, Judgment, Judgment.
Most of the people that I have met in my 20 years of Christianity have been on a journey mapped out by others.When the pioneers set out with their wagons 150 years ago or so, they set out from a small town near where I now live in Kansas. The town was called Independence. They travelled overland in various ways, going through various states and rugged terrain , storms, scrorching heat, mountains and finally reached a vast oceon that lay before them. Christians journey through many states on their sanctification road. Many obstacles are overcome as they follow a path that others have blazed before them. Yet what happens when they reach the oceon? In the worlds story the oceon is called the Pacific, but in our spiritual journey the oceon that we reach is called dependence. Who will cast themsleves upon the sea of dependence? Most set up camp along the coast and gaze out at the horizon, beyond which there are no maps. There is a point in the journey where we make the choice. The ones that we know from centuries past, those bright lights from the history of authentic Christianity, chose to cast themselves upon the sea of dependence and had no idea what lay beyond the horizon " and they loved not their lives unto death."Oh the things that God can do with those who cast thereselves upon this sea and leave the comfort of the coast and the multitudes behind!!! Frank