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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : "Adam and Eve, sent out as missionaries to a world that was not born yet"

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Joined: 2010/12/2
Posts: 23
New York City

 "Adam and Eve, sent out as missionaries to a world that was not born yet"

We all know the classic Adam and Eve story. They eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They disobeyed, then sin and death came into the world. The interesting thing is, while they were blaming each other, God was being so gracious. He provided a covering. He provided salvation for them. He graciously explained to them what is about to happen to them. What they were about to face was a hard core journey that is still going on today. They had to leave the garden for a reason. They left as missionaries to a world that was not even born yet. They were sent on a mission. The world had to be redeemed. I'll explain in my next few paragraphs.

With all these nasty political, wars, death, hunger, crimes, sin etc. I see it is God's grace that we see it all. I see it's the grace of Christ that we see and experience many or every horrible situation. It has liberated me and boosted my faith. It all stems from genesis 3. when God shunned adam and eve out of the garden. when he casted them out of that perfect place. when he drove them out to what we see today.

a world filled with death and hate. it is the grace of God we see these things. God protected the tree of life with angels. with flaming swords. As he shunned them he said, if you eat the tree of life you will live for ever. What he was saying was. It is nessary for you and the rest of man to walk through a horrible world.

I could leave you in the garden, to eat the tree of life, but one big problem. Your sin won't be dealth with and with that we can't be in intimate fellowship. my mercy and grace is protecting you from this tree of life. I want man and woman sins to be dealth with. so its my grace what you are about to see. the wars, ills. the corrupt state of the world. its my grace you walk through it and see it, because if not, then you would not have that oppurtunity to be redeemed by my beloved son. from mans perspective and human compassion we easily see the sadness of a starving child, but there is hope in that horrible scene. Grace. That's what we are called to give. GRACE. lets lock our selves up in the word, and in honest true gut desperate prayer and request for this sincere grace. dont leave until you posses it. The grace I speak of is the protection from the tree of life in the garden of eden and the welcoming of a nasty cruel tree. The cross of Christ. Actually Jesus Christ himself. Lay hold of Him.

 2010/12/4 1:34Profile

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