I found this news fascinating. Here is the link:http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/140967It can also be read here:http://www.openheaven.com/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=34878&PN=1&TPN=1I had never before heard that the Amish were anti-semantic, or that they looked with favor on Hitler. This is so out of character of Amish belief I find it almost unbelievable. Yet, any group of people is capable of believing anything... including us moderns...news, ain't it!Anyhow, I did find this news item interesting - thought you might as well.ginnyrose
_________________Sandra Miller
To be honest, it's not something I have ever thought about, whether or not the Amish were anti-semantic.How that came about, historically, is anyone's guess. Unless someone actually knows.As for looking on Hitler with favour, that beats all.One has to wonder, why now?
gingerly, i say to both of you, Ginny and Enid, why do you find this so surprising?that the Amish would be anti-semitic?the church in rome from the onset was and is terribly anti-semitic. Heaven forbid anybody look down in the vatican's vaults, fore i would wager, you might even find implements from the 1st Temple, if not confisicated wealth from European Jewry during hitler's regime. that pope and hitler were "buddies".and the Protestants, the venerated Martin Luther deginerated into a Jew hater, one of his last tretises was entitled "On Jews and their lies", so you would think this flock would be immune to that soul poison?so why am i writing this? because i've been trying to say over and over again, thanks to almost 1700 years of "church led" institutionalized anti-semitism, Jews just don't trust the small c 'church', whether it be the church in rome, the protestant denominations, and the orthodox 'church' because of CENTURIES of murder, rape, forced conversions, inquisitions, etc....all done "in the name of jesus".and then when some Bible believing Christians, rank scorn upon the modern State of Israel and say it is not of God, or engage in the theory of 'replacement theology', this just buttress's the mistrust Jews have of Christians.thru the centuries, NOTHING has been really done that would make the Jew "envious of so great a salvation" as it comes from the theological institutions of man.compound that with the murderous hatred that islam has for Jews and the State of Israel, and its no wonder, why we are, where we are, this very day.Frankly, as God has given me discernment, there are some on this very forum, who have either hatred or disdain for the Jewish people buried deep in their hearts.its great that a tiny subset of Amish, got real in Christ, that's wonderful, but how many more out there?i could say a lot more, what's on my heart, but there's very little profit in that.
Frankly, as God has given me discernment, there are some on this very forum, who have either hatred or disdain for the Jewish people buried deep in their hearts.
Also why would the world still be so up in arms (literally and figuratively) over Israel if God had finished with them as a people. The very fact of the incredible, insane , demonic opposition to them proves they are very much part of the end game.
"Frankly, as God has given me discernment, there are some on this very forum, who have either hatred or disdain for the Jewish people buried deep in their hearts."I do not believe this statement meets the qualification for either edifying or ministering grace to the hearers. makrothumia
_________________Alan and Dina Martin
James 2:8 "Yes indeed, it is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: Love your neighbor as yourself.d 9But if you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin. You are guilty of breaking the law." ...nivPQ*
i wrote from my soul: (and the words i have seen)
"Frankly, as God has given me discernment, there are some on this very forum, who have either hatred or disdain for the Jewish people buried deep in their hearts."
I do not believe this statement meets the qualification for either edifying or ministering grace to the hearers.
"Dr. Michael Brown, another Jew who follows Jesus wrote in his powerful book "Our Hands are Stained with Blood" exactly what i speak of"This statement is not true of myself nor of many others who are genuinely redeemed through our Lord Jesus Christ. I do not bear the sins of my fathers and they are not imputed against me according to the very word of the Lord spoken by one of the prophets to Israel. Read Ezekiel to verify this. The fact that these attrocities were committed by those who named the name of Christ does not implicate me nor other believers today. In Christ there is no guilt by association.There is no guilt by association in the New Covenant. As I have appealed to you before, I appeal again. Men hate other men because they do not know the love of God and they are sons of the evil one like Cain. It may look like prejudice towards a certain race or people group, but it is the spirit of satan who is at work in those who are disobedient. Those who are sons of their father the devil are murderers like their father. Yet, still our Lord died on the cross to purchase their forgiveness and redemption. Paul himself was once a murderer, a persecutor, a blasphemer, and a violent man, yet he was saved that he might become a pattern of the all long suffering and mercies of Jesus Christ. Those who have been born again in Christ have full forgiveness for all of their sins, and most certainly they are not held accountable for the sins of other men who named the name of Christ but did not actually know Him. It is also a false assumption that those who might hold to replacement theology are guilty of hatred towards the Jews or the modern state of Israel. This is another example of an assumption that is put forth in the form of a general accusation. The Holy Spirit does not inspire such mistatements.
say what you want, like such:
It is also a false assumption that those who might hold to replacement theology are guilty of hatred towards the Jews or the modern state of Israel. This is another example of an assumption that is put forth in the form of a general accusation. The Holy Spirit does not inspire such mistatements.