Like I said, that cosmology was very theoretical, as is most of the cosmologies and astro-physical simulations from all spectrums. So much about astro-physics has seemingly hit a dead wall for a long time in science. There are so many unknowns. From creationist to evolutionist, there is a very limited pile of knowledge about our universe. And most of what we hear that comes across as dogma within that whole spectrum is still speculation and derivative, the advantage Christian scientists obviously the book of Genesis.
I really liked that blog though, at least for right now it is a view that seems to hold some water, in my pitiful opinion.
For all of our knowledge and scientific understanding, the most brilliant minds in our world still do not even know what gravity is.
One of my absolute favorite passages in scripture is Psalm 19. I realized after a few years of being a Christian, that when I was young, the heavens preached the glory of God to me. I had a best friend who died when we were sixteen of a heart attack, but before he died, and before I ever "heard" the gospel preached, I remember that my friend Jeremy and I would go spend summer nights by a campfire, roasting nuts and sleeping under the stars. He lived on a large chunk of property without many trees outside the city, so we could see the heavens at night as if they had dipped down into the valley and scooped us into their inky embrace.
I can still almost remember as if it was yesterday the conflicting emotions and thoughts that would rattle my child mind which had hardly been scathed at that point with how men have robbed so many people of the mysteries of God. I would lay there completely conflicted. On the one hand, my mind attempted to wander from reach to reach, and I was confronted by the absolute insignificance I felt in the face of Space's infinity. On the other hand, I was conflicted because I knew almost as much as how insignificant I was in comparison to it all, that I was also some how significant. For some reason, I intuitively knew that I was even though I could not explain it at the time. Significant in the sense that, I now understand, as being loved by my Father in heaven. Who made all these things to show me how marvelous He is.
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech. And night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard."
As a child, I had already heard this verse though I had never heard it in a language I understood with words, and I can honestly say that I was listening. The thought of it now, as a memory, brings tears to my eyes and makes me remember just how loving and magnanimous our Creator is to lavish us with such a gift. _________________ Jeremiah Dusenberry