I saw a post by someone on facebook announcing to the world that they were loved by God. In the message they supposed they could take this litterally and as the end of the matter. Meaning, God loves everybody. While there is a great deal to this truth this is not the complete story. God so loved the world that he GAVE. Why give if there's nothing to be gained? He loved us so much that He gave so that we might not remain in sin, rather that we should be transformed into the likeness of His Son.I know who I post this to. And this is not news to most of the readers here. But I ask your mercy and consideration of the Living God and His true message. Holiness is not an option. It is the "way". It is the highway upon which no evil can walk. It is the fire which will test each man's work. And it is the key to entrance into heaven; for no one will enter eternity whole unless he does the will of Jesus' Father, who is in Heaven.This is the devotional section. Here we encourage one another to bigger and better things. So . . . . You are hereby encouraged to seek farther than you have ever sought before. We who are His are redeemers of the time He allows. In order to take from a strong man, the one taking must be stronger than he who loses. Gird up! Holy up! There's a war afoot! By His....... oh yea... it's my signature.
_________________Paul Horton