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Joined: 2005/1/9
Posts: 1522
Germany NRW


Hello JoanM

I am in the middle of a slow and careful study of the whole armor of God, making use of what I know of both the devises of Satan and victory in spiritual warfare. In this conversation, DOUBT of God/His Word is at play.

Good suggestion, thanks for mentioning this. The blood of Christ shed for us imputes God righteousness unto us, but when it comes to spiritual warfare we have the armor of God at our disposal. WE have to exercise it, if we do not we will be defeated.

 2010/11/25 17:49Profile

Joined: 2009/12/8
Posts: 1795


Joan, I love that study. It has been a while but I am desiring to do that study again. Right now I am enjoying the Red letter in the Gospels and sitting at His feet. Just feel like being close to the Lord with His Words.

I have heard from the Lord on the subject. I pray we all will continue to seek as we will find. Glory to God. He is faithful. I would love to be your neighbor Joan - to pray and study the Word together. I would shout - Glory!!! Amen

 2010/11/25 21:06Profile

Joined: 2005/6/6
Posts: 224
Brumley Missouri

 Re: answers

Mr.Bill, thank you. I would really love to spend a day in prayer with you one day.

Narrowpath, I know that you are doing a study on the Armour of God right now. Let me ask you this... When you pray do you put on the Armour of God?

I mean do you say with your mouth as Paul did

"Father I put on the whole armour of God today. that I may stand against all the whiles of the devil. I put on the helmet of salvation, the breast plate of rightousness, I gird my loines with the belt of truth and shod my feet with the preperation of the the gospel of Christ. I take up the sheild of faith which will extinguish every/all the firey dart of the wicked. I weild the sword of the spirit which is the word of God, I will pray with all prayer and supplications in the Spirit always..."

If you do then how much more should we plead the Blood Of Christ?


This has been such a blessing to study again and everyone of you have been great with your responses. Here is a little more to nibble on.

Psalm 102:7

"Let the redeamed say so, whom he has redeamed from the hand of the enemy"

Pleading the blood of Christ lines up with this verse. The Bible instructs us to say with our mouths that we are redeamed.

When the enemy tries to put the curse on you, say to the enemy, I am redeamed from the curse of the Law. (Deauteronomy 28:61)

According to the verse above "all sickness is the curse of the Law" and we (Christians) are redeamed from the curse of the Law ( Galatians 3:13).

Let the redeamed of the Lord say so!
That is pleading the Blood.

William Cato

 2010/11/26 23:55Profile

 Re: Pleading the Blood of Christ for protection

Hi sonsigns and JoyfulHeart,

About the blood, the first question at the Greenock Revival conference in 2008 which the panel answered, focused on some aspects. It's the first 9 mins of video.

After I posted earlier in the thread, I realised that I don't use the terminology of 'pleading the blood' because I use the more biblically supported language of being 'in the name of Jesus' - KNOWING that His NAME has POWER because HE overcame the devil on the cross, shedding His blood for an eternal sacrifice, acceptable to God for sin, and for sins.

The power of the blood only becomes mine to claim, as I put my faith in Christ Himself, the LIVING, RISEN, ASCENDED, seated Son of God, His labour over.

In taking the Name of Jesus to myself, I am also claiming His righteousness, and purporting to the world that I am walking in the light as He is in the light, and DOING all righteousness, as He did - not just in public, but in my most private moments.

Let the redeamed of the Lord say so!

I like this exhortation. However, I think it is not merely for times when we feel threatened, or know that we have sinned. It IS the gospel.

I AM REDEEMED by the power of the blood of the Lamb. This is what we proclaim. Most people don't realise that the wrath of God is resting upon them until they put their faith in Christ's redeeming blood. Telling the awful truth, is also part of the GOSPEL.

The necessity of explaining the blood of the Lamb is first, to call upon those who don't know Him. And for believers, we should be reminded of it by each other every time we meet, especially if we are sharing bread and wine. We should be urging one another to believe, to be washed within, to be refreshed by His love.

The danger of all the 'shorthand' as Ron Bailey in the video calls it, is that the meaning from God's point of view, gets divorced from our understanding, and, from the challenge to 'walk worthy' of His NAME.

Btw, the sound on the video is out of sync, so you will be less irritated if you don't watch. I couldn't find an 'audio only' for it.

 2010/11/27 10:10

Joined: 2005/6/6
Posts: 224
Brumley Missouri

 Re: Alive-to-God- Video

Hello Alive-to-God,

Just watch the video, excellent! I love questions and answers. Not many revivals have them.

Was that sermonindex, Greg Gordon on the panel?

the third man on the panel in the blue shirt that spoke mentioned that you really need to have a revelation of the blood. The reason for this, from all of my studying is that the blood is sprinkled through out the whole bible.

The Blood is our Salvation, for without the shedding of the blood there is no remission of sin.

It is also a Blood Covenant made on better promises. Better than the old Abrahamic covenant, without destroying the Law.

It seems the old timers from the 18th, 19, part of the 20th century had the revelation on the blood. Wesley, Spurgeon, Wigglesworth, Murray, along with a host of other writers mention the blood of Christ for salvation, Covenant and protection or safty.

I think it was Spurgeon or Murray that said, "the Blood Covers all!" And it does.

From the Video I like that the third man on the panel in the blue shirt said "The Blood Speaks". That comes from Genesis, God told Cane that his brothers blood speaks.

It reminds me of a story I heard once:

At the entrance to heaven there were many that stood in line to get into Heaven. Father Abraham was at the gate and ask one question to those whom wanted to gain entry to eternity, "What have you done with your life on Earth to get into Heaven?"

One answered, " I had a good life. I had a family, work hard and never caused any trouble". Abraham look at his scroll to see if that persons name was written down.

"Denied" Abraham exclaimed.

There was a young woman in the line watching and listening to many others testimonies about there lives. All being turned away at the pearly gates. She beagan to get worried because many of these people had better lives than she had.

This woman was a drug addict that lived on the streets most of her life. It wasn't until recently that someone had shared the Gospel of Jesus with her.

She had spent a few months in the city mission cleaning herself up and trying hard to put her life back together. she attended every meeting and bible study that she could.

Abraham ask this young woman what her qualifications were to get into the gate... The woman took a big gulp and said...

"I plead the Blood!"

Father Abraham Shouted "Open Wide The Gate!"

William Cato

 2010/11/29 7:30Profile

 Re: Pleading the Blood of Christ for protection


Thank you for taking time to listen. Glad you were blessed.

Yes, the first person to answer was Mr SermonIndex himself.

The second speaker was Denny Kenaston (bearded, blue shirt).

Ron Bailey (philologos) was next (red waistcoat), followed by Al Whittinghill (blue shirt) and David Legge who spoke on Ephesians.

 2010/11/29 15:16

Joined: 2010/8/15
Posts: 272


Jesus doesn't ask us as believers to sprinkle His blood or plead it, but to DRINK it.

53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. 54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. 56 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. 57 As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me. John 6:53-57 (KJV)

He is our daily food and drink. He is the source of our life. We feed on Him by faith, and we have life from Him. We dwell in Him and He in us, and we know that we have eternal life.



 2010/11/29 18:18Profile

Joined: 2009/12/8
Posts: 1795


All power is in the Name of Jesus Christ because He shed His Blood - gave His life for us. God help us not to argue but to lift You up.

We should all be convinced in our own hearts and always open for the Holy Spirit to give new revelations and a deeper heart knowledge of who He is and who we are in Him. Always growing in grace and love - bringing forth the Fruit of the Spirit.

We know it's God working in us when we know it was totally out of our doing - that we were incapable of achieving anything on our own. Totally could not have done it in our own might. We can rejoice and be glad because God has been glorified. Amen and Amen

A short testimony - not on the Blood - but how God and only God can be glorified in me.

I was asked by a leader in Church to have Church in a nursing home. I did not want to do this. I was afraid of old people, they were old and stinky at times. I didn't know how to talk to them absolutely nothing. I was afraid to get up and speak in public.

I missed the first meeting we were supposed to go to. The Leader came and said I was the one to lead this.

All I did was talk it over with the Lord and felt I must share Jesus with anyone the Lord gives the opportunity. I went with Scripture in mind to read. Knees knocking, scared, so scared.

But I obeyed the Lord and went. As I walked through the doors of this place I began to weep deeply. The seniors were all seated around waiting for us to sing and share. And all I could do is to weep and hug and greet them all. One lady had only half a face due to cancer and all I could do is hug her and love her.

What happened here was I obeyed my Lord even in my lack and my fears and He filled me with grace and His love to share the love of Jesus with these beautiful people. It happened the second I put my foot in the front door.

I was the last to speak for 3 years. I was privileged to bring Scripture and a chance for people to repent and to receive God's forgiveness and love. I don't know how many people were snatched out of the hands of satan. He though he had them but God had mercy.

Two points here. One is when God wants to use us at times it is because we lack so He can fill us with Him and then we can share Him only and He is lifted up and gets all the glory.
Second point is. I know that I know it was not me, not one part of my flesh, my abilities that did this. I am convinced without a single ounce of doubt. It was all HIM.

And to this day - The Holy Spirit brings seniors for me to care for one on one and to bring the love of Jesus to them. I love them with the love that the Holy Spirit put in me that day. All glory to God.

I ask forgiveness for this being a tad off subject. I dont know exactly why I was to share this at this time except maybe to always to be open to what the Holy Spirit is saying and teaching and not be so determined that we know it all. (Not pointed at anyone at all). Only God knows it all. Amen and all glory to Him. In Jesus Powerful Name.

In my weakness then He can be strong.

 2010/11/30 13:27Profile

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