What happened was birth pains...many discerning saints wandered, including me (he was always with me I could always hear his voice)! This generation was deeply prophesied of (Mt 24 and Mt 25. all over the prophets, Paul letters including "whom the ends of the world are come upon, 1Cor 10;11<~~~that's us)...we are gold tried by the fire and ones who purchased the costly oil (40 years in the wilderness and were back!). The true church came to pot smoking hippies and they repented and carried it well (most are alive and kept by God)! World War 2 was allowed by God to show a demagogue like Hitler (type of anti-Christ) and the 70's revival certainly showed me "the true church" and to anyone watching...it was to die for, we would have marched to our deaths for this quality of love and outpouring...I caught the last of it, I'm 64 full of the Holy Spirit and His Word and I know the young folks want it....we have survived, it was nip and tuck certainly, but I know raging old drug abusers that are now healed and want to be used by God and they certainly know a fake when they see one!