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Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Filled with God's Spirit

… be filled with the Spirit… Eph. 5:18

Christian tradition generally defines God as a Trinity - three in one: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This reading emphasizes the Trinity as functioning in unity of purpose: God cannot work at cross purposes with himself. Nonetheless, in practice the Spirit is most prone to being severed from God’s purposes– and ultimately, from God. When the Spirit has been ignored, then God is seen as distant and coercive. When Spirit becomes prioritized, then the Son’s historical function and the Father’s love become overshadowed. The Spirit easily becomes a projection of human emotions, intuitions, and expectations.

Of course, there are times when the Spirit truly does a mighty work; but eventually it (or rather, God) gets squeezed into “old wineskins” of religious systems; and what began as a movement stopped moving. The Spirit’s work gets pinned down into manageable formulas - in spite of Jesus’s warning that nobody can know where the wind of the Spirit “is coming from, or where it is going” Jn. 3:8. Nevertheless, we need a clear awareness of the Spirit’s role in God’s purposes.

Scripture claims that when the Spirit births God’s life within us, our very being becomes “God’s temple”. 1 Cor. 3:16 This means that God’s Spirit resides - not in religious buildings - but in living flesh-and-blood people. What does that mean practically speaking?

Consider the instruction: “Do not get drunk on wine, which [ruins your life]; Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Eph. 5:18 This is referring to influence: Instead of letting alcohol influence and dominate us, we let the Spirit influence and dominate us - our way of thinking and living. It means we are totally receptive to God. We freely allow the Spirit to convict us of our shortcomings. We are fully available to the Spirit’s work in transforming and empowering us. Our thinking and living is dominated by Spirit.

In this way we gain spiritual maturity. Our abilities and spiritual gifts are available to serve God’s purposes – rather than our own ends. The Giver of the gifts remains the focus, not the gifts in themselves. In other words, under the Spirit’s influence, everything about us is wholly available to God – and is used for the nurture of life – in harmony with God’s grand purposes for humankind.

It is God himself who “has put his Spirit in our hearts.”
But it is our duty to allow the Spirit to fill and dominate our lives.



 2010/11/22 6:56Profile

Joined: 2010/5/9
Posts: 164

 Re: Filled with God's Spirit

It is our great privilage and joy to share in the blessings which come from the personal teaching of God, our Savior. We are all to testify that God is true and that He will not leave us as orphans. As we live in Him He teaches what is true and good. I take great peace from this truth. One slice of scripture that spoke to me of this great hope came from one who suffered for the name of Christ in great trials.

". . . And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained."

Who among us has come to know the fullness of God's power? Yet who among His children is powerless? To God will be all glory for His undying love shown the bride of Christ Jesus. May He bless us with understanding of His utterly unsearchable ways.


Paul Horton

 2010/11/22 11:12Profile

Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Re: Let the Spirit deal with the 'differences"

". . . And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained."

Thank you Buttermilk. This verse could also be applied to the thread, “A Holy Discontent”. After all, unholy discontent is often the result of our inability to handle differences. Differences are typical sources of obsessive thoughts, anxiety and friction in relationships.

Meanwhile the Spirit is saying, “You must let that go! Leave that person(s) with me! You give yourself to me, so that I may have more influence and dominance in your life (rather than those differences that preoccupy you mind and keep you awake at night).



 2010/11/24 12:19Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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