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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : Homosexuality

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What if this person has been battling this for 6 years and has never acted on it. Does this imply he is still a Christian.

That claw of lust on this person's mind is a demonic stronghold. God wants you to have freedom from that. There is provision from the Lord for your deliverance from this demonic stronghold so that you are able to walk in freedom and peace. IM me.

 2010/11/23 2:44

Joined: 2010/4/21
Posts: 227


What if this person has been battling this for 6 years and has never acted on it. Does this imply he is still a Christian.

Who the son sets free is free indeed. I personally see it not as a battle against sin. As christians we are set free from sin. But we still possess a flesh that lusts after the sinful nature. The battle is between the Spirit and our flesh.

But one thing that re-assures me is his promise to put his spirit within us that will cause us to obey his statutes. Therefore when we are trully born again we are trully free. But this does not negate the fact that our flesh is still part of a fallen and decaying creation. Thats why we must endure to the end.

 2010/11/23 4:33Profile

 Re: Homosexuality

I would like to say I believe it is harsh and unhelpful to label a person battling with this kind of spiritual attack 'a homosexual', especially if he is not in agreement with the spirits which are tormenting him.

Most people (men and women) who find themselves in this AS A BATTLE, have never consciously agreed with homosexual behaviour, but due to past experience, or circumstance, or a complex mixture of the two covering a period of time in their past, they find themselves open (opened) to it, usually way beyond their control; that is, they have been sacrificed on the altar of someone else's idolatry.

These people need proper deliverance through prayer. This will (if they are properly delivered from the spirits involved) lead to healing of their mind, (although it is good to pray for this as well, specifically), usually rendering the temptations at least unappealing, if not totally repugnant to them. Their inner life can indeed be healed.

It is majorly important the person LOOKS TO CHRIST in this, even if He seems to be out of sightline. He is the Deliverer, and He will lead the person out, supported by loving friendship and prayer.

Having said all this, I do believe some previously practising homosexuals who turn to Christ for the first time, recognising their sin in this area also, experience a dramatic and tremendous onetime deliverance according to God's great power and mercy.

 2010/11/23 6:42

Joined: 2006/9/5
Posts: 94
Melbourne Australia


Thank you I believe this has helped clarify the matter. The last thing I want to do is condemn someone who genuinely needs support !

 2010/11/23 7:51Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: Christian or not

joeSOC wrote:
What if this person has been battling this for 6 years and has never acted on it. Does this imply he is still a Christian.

This person is not a homosexual but it sounds like there is a stronghold in his mind (it’s called a spirit of perversion), that attacked him six years ago and he doesn’t know how to get rid of it.

Where was he six years ago and what was he doing? If I were a betting person, I bet he can almost pinpoint the place, day and activities.

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) ~ 2 Cor 10:4

God through His servants does pull down strongholds for us or else how could we live? It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. ~ Lamentations 3.22 Thank you Jesus!

God bless you,

PS: I pm'd you most of this.


 2010/11/23 9:46Profile


We are all in a battle until we see Him face to face.

Jesus does not condemn those who know they need a doctor.

If you do not think you need a doctor then you are condemning yourself.

Get away from people that condemn you. That is not helpful and no one needs that. The Lord does not require us to hang around condemning and judgmental people.

Your friend is fortunate to have you as a friend that wants to see him set free to enjoy the Lord and other relationships.

Because of Jesus, we are not destined to live with strongholds in our lives.

 2010/11/23 13:04

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