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Joined: 2006/9/5
Posts: 94
Melbourne Australia


Does the bible differentiate between Homosexuality and Homosexual behaviour ?

 2010/11/22 1:13Profile

 Re: Homosexuality

Care to clarify a bit?

 2010/11/22 2:48

 Re: Homosexuality

All sin starts in the mind, right?

"And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies IN YOUR MIND by wicked works..." (Colossians 1:21)

So anyone who engages voluntarily in homosexual behavior would have already been a homosexual in their mind. Just like with adultery and other sexual sins.

So in that sense...NO... for the behavior is simply the fruit of the corruption/rejection of God's way in the mind (think Romans 1). Just like with Matthew 5:28- the act of adultery is what already would have begun in the heart.

This said, there are greater implications (health risks, emotional damage, etc) from the physical act- which makes it more severe than the mental act. Nevertheless, the one who is a simply a homosexual/adulterer in the mind is in sin and needs to repent or face the judgment of God (Ephesians 5:5) just like those who commit the act in the body as well. There has to be that true acknowledgment before the Lord that says "I was wrong to ever even consider I had the right to think about/do that" for there to be true repentance.

All that said, you could make a difference between the temptation and the giving into the temptation IF you qualify that the giving into/resisting the temptation is in the mind, primarily. The mind is the battleground.

" 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled." (2 Corinthians 10:3-6)

The power of Christ's salvation (Romans 1:16)is that he renews the inner man (see Ephesians 4:17-24) whereas religion can only deal with the body. Hence, religious people have to make sin only about the behavior or admit that their religion is powerless to actually save from sin. Unfortunately, many evangelicals who preach a watered-down gospel do this too.

 2010/11/22 2:52

Joined: 2006/9/5
Posts: 94
Melbourne Australia


I wanted to phrase the question in context of the West Wing Homosexuality Episode, where allegedly the President of the U.S. seems to put a conservative Christian in her place.. so to speak. The conversation begins with, " I like how you call Homosexuality an abomination"... to which the Christian responds by saying "I did not say this the bible does". But here is my point, this where the screenwriters hijacked the scenario in favour of the liberal president.

I was listening to William Lane Craig debate about how the media distorts what the bible says and based on that tries to undermine the power of the Gospel etc.

 2010/11/22 19:27Profile

 Re: Homosexuality

Does the bible differentiate between Homosexuality and Homosexual behaviour ?

I don't think it does. It doesn't recognise 'homosexuality'. It recognises various forms of homosexual behaviour, the philosophical roots which permit it, how God's wrath is upon those who commit such sins; and also the gospel: of God's goodness in leading sinners to repentance, and how He washes and sanctifies those who have believe in Jesus Christ for salvation from ALL their sin, and enables them to live a life pleasing to Him.

The world created the category, 'homosexual', and continues to perpetuate various unsubstantiated myths about it.

 2010/11/22 20:05

 Re: Homosexuality

The Word of God and the Spirit of God judge our hearts. Our actions start first in our hearts.

The answer is that if we sin in our heart, we sin.

The call of God is the call of inward purity.

So, NO, there is no differentiation.

 2010/11/22 23:19

Joined: 2006/9/5
Posts: 94
Melbourne Australia


Thanks for that

What happens when I meet someone who is struggling with homosexual thoughts but has not acted upon it.

What do I do then ?

 2010/11/23 1:09Profile

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862


Advise them to battle these thoughts with with Renewing of their mind with the Word of God. I believe as long as one continues to battle agaisnt their sin and flesh there is still grace for them.

Matthew Guldner

 2010/11/23 1:21Profile

Joined: 2006/9/5
Posts: 94
Melbourne Australia


What if this person has been battling this for 6 years and has never acted on it. Does this imply he is still a Christian.

 2010/11/23 1:30Profile

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862


The mark of a Christian is a continual walk away from sin. We all struggle and battle with sin all for different reasons and for periods of time. All in All for your friend they must rely and depend on the Strength of Christ and His atoning work on the Cross. Another element is the Truth, the Truth of the Gospel will set us Free. Many take this to the extremes of Christian Liberty that we are free to do what we like but this is false. The truth of the Gospel will set us Free from Sin.

The Gospel frees us from the Chains and grips of Sin, for one to stay in Sin and not battle it is willingly putting the chains of Sin going back into slavery to sin. There really is geninue freedom that leaves us joyous and happy, unfortunately many have fallen into the traps and empty promises of the devil and before they feel this joy fall back into the temporal joy of Satan leaving them still a capture of the enemy.

But we have one who is our Champion that helps in times of trial and even error and can bring us lovingly back into the arms of the Father through His Amazing Grace. Christ is the Key to Victory, salvation is a person Jesus Christ.

Matthew Guldner

 2010/11/23 1:44Profile

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