Matthew 24:12 KJV And because iniquity shall abound , the love of many shall wax cold .
Revelation 2:4 KJV Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.
Revelation 12:11 KJV And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Do you have times in your life when you are dry and weary and you remember times when God was especially close or when you just came to know Jesus and you could not spend enough time with him and in scripture, I have been focusing on this because if you review your history with the Lord, Do you remember a time when you prayed more or spent time in scripture or evangelized?
I have been finding or trying to determine what is my testimony ? What is you Testimony? How did God Save you? Is it a memorable event?
I remember being saved at 7, God lead me home from a camp and I thought I would never see my parents and he saved me that night I remember it, then recieving the baptism of the spirit like most things i think God did on his own, I think People said my Face lit up. This was along time and then during the age of 14 I rebelled and got into Pornography and Alchol and as we did not have a Tv I started watching TV and then I failed my A levels and GCSE's and then went to University and God healed me from an illness that the Doctors could not understand I thought i was going to be in bed the rest of my life! God healed me in my room with noone there! I was then healed from Pornography and other things, jumped out a window and broke my ankle because of depression at university, I am still waiting for God to restore certain areas in my life!
I know this is a small aspect of my Testimony it is alot bigger and God is adding to it each day! God does not have to do much to remind me of how much a sinner, I sometimes think i am more of a sinner than before!
I also remember times that I spent long times of Breakthough prayer and I love singing! I am a christian music alcoholic, I love David Leggs recent sermon on the Power of Praise, as I think that has been the only thing that has got me through, My Mum used to get me to look around the room and to thank God for every specific item or Put a tape on as what I was in Christ! I used to fall asleep in Prayer Meetings now I love Prayer I think it was people had forgotten the people around them and the newspapers, My friend called jim would pray an hour a night on his knees and he was on an oxygen machine. He really stirred my heart for prayer! As I thought if a man who is really poorly can pray like that! What am me a fit able man can pray! He always used to pray for every need. He prayed like Years for me to be baptized and I think my Family did! After I got Baptised I used to spend hours and hours on my knees and I so want more than that.
Do you want more than your first love with Jesus? Do you want Greater Times with the Lord?
I always secretly cry when I sometimes hear stories of peoples past prayer life or they used to evangelize like that along time ago.
I am always reminded of David in the Bible, God always has new things and greater things for his people to do! I think of Saul a king with all the Power and Samson who had all the strength but yet between them they did not defeat as many enemies as David just because he loved his Lord, or the life of Paul who went through all types of things!
I do not understand when I hear people say Jesus or Church is boring, When I read the Bible Old and New Testament, Such as Moses seeing God face to face and Elijah!
I so want to have a greater thing than my First Love to pray longer and to get deeper into Jesus! and to Praise God as he is the only one who can provide a deeper love for him! I also want to fight for truth as we serve Jesus who is the Truth! to not have a love of Truth is to not have a love of Jesus!
I want God to get Glory out of my Love
What did you do when you got saved? Was your prayer time special when you first came to Jesus? How much did you praise him when you got saved? Do you believe that God can give you times Greater than your first love? Do you want it and are you prepared to pay the cost?
What is your Personal Testimony? Is God continuing to provide a testimony to his glory every day in your life? What songs do you sing when you are on your own to the Lord? Do you long for souls to be saved and for people around you to find there first love aswell as you?
_________________ Dominic Shiells