FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2010YOU ARE SPECIAL TO YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER!I will never forget the pain I endured when one of my teenage children came to me and confessed, Dad, Ive never once felt as if Ive pleased you. Ive never felt worthy of your love. I feel like Ive let you down my whole life. You must be really disappointed in me.No words ever hurt me more. I asked myself what I might have done to make my child feel that way. Then, hurting deeply inside myself, I embraced my tearful young one. I thought, How wrong. Ive shown this child my love. Ive spoken it and demonstrated it time after time. All my other children feel secure in my love. How could this child carry such a misconception for so long and bear such unnecessary misery and guilt?I told my beloved child, Youve always been special to me. Why, youve been the apple of my eye. I think of you and my whole being lights up. Sure, youve done foolish things at times, but so have your siblings. And you were forgiven. You were truly sorry, and I never once thought less of you. Youre nothing but a joy to me. Youve made me happy all your lifetime. Youve been a delight to my heart.So it is with many Christians in their relationship with the heavenly Father. The devil has convinced these believers theyve only disappointed God and will never please him. So they simply dont accept Gods love. Instead, they live as if his wrath is always breathing down on them. What a horrible way to go through life. And how pained God is when he sees his children living this way.Beloved, from the day you were born, youve been special to your heavenly Father.
This really blessed me, near to tears. I've been thinking so much about being an enemy of God (as per Romans 5) and I guess I had forgotten that because of what Jesus did, now I am a son of God (John 1:12), reborn and no longer a son of the devil.Thank you for posting this.
_________________Dustin Savage