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Joined: 2009/1/16
Posts: 319

 Time... left in life... in light of eternity... what shall we do?

I live near a street where there are 5 funeral homes within 3 mile stretch of road, and also including a hospice center. As I go about my life driving past these funeral homes, I am so daily reminded about how brief our life is...

We also drive by a number of cemeteries as well and I always try to notice how many people are buried there and as well when there is a funeral service occuring and what people must be thinking.

My thoughts and question is "in light of eternity" and death...

what should we as Christians really be doing with our time on earth?

There is sooo many distractions, busyness and noise in this life (especially in the west) and in America that's it's hard to just slow down, be quiet and listen to God speak and do the important things of life.

My question for discussion is what should we be doing and what should we not be doing with time left in this life?


Doug R

 2010/11/19 11:06Profile

Joined: 2006/5/22
Posts: 2680
Nottingham, England

 Re: Time... left in life... in light of eternity... what shall we do?

Eph 5v16, 'Reedeming the time, because the days are evil.'

We know what we are to do. We are just not doing it.

In Acts 6v4 the apostles gave themselves to prayer and the ministry of the word.

Are we doing that? Or are we wasting time on non eternal non essentials?

We know we are. And we seem driven by some unseen force to do so.

That's it for now.

God bless.

 2010/11/19 11:12Profile

Joined: 2007/6/27
Posts: 1573
Omaha, NE

 Re: Time... left in life... in light of eternity... what shall we do?

Watch and pray and live in hope
and expectation of our LORD'S
return in glory !!

Martin G. Smith

 2010/11/19 11:49Profile

Joined: 2009/1/16
Posts: 319


Watch and pray and live in hope and expectation of our LORD'S return in glory !!

Amen!, what I am looking for in this discussion is what specifically the Lord wants us to do in His Word..

Doug R

 2010/11/19 11:57Profile

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