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Areadymind Member
Joined: 2009/5/15 Posts: 1042 Pacific Ocean
| Soulishness | | Is there anyone out there aware of when this became a term? Or whether the early church fathers spoke of it with a different wording or phraseology? I am not interested in opinions on the legitimacy or lack thereof of the doctrine. I am just curious on the history of its teaching. The furthest back brother I know of that spoke of it was Watchman Nee, are there more ancient brothers who spoke of it?
I will greatly appreciate any help in this area brothers and sisters. _________________ Jeremiah Dusenberry
2010/11/18 21:33 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: Soulishness | | The Latent Power of the Soul by Watchman Nee is a classic small volume that deals biblically with this topic! I believe it is quite important. Many other godly saints addressed and shunned it.
That is a great question to know if this is something that has been taught and recognized in the early church. I believe Paul spoke of it when he addressed the false apostles in 1 corinthians and talks about the power that comes from the word of God and not from the wisdom and power of men.
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2010/11/18 21:38 | Profile |
Areadymind Member
Joined: 2009/5/15 Posts: 1042 Pacific Ocean
| Re: | | That is just it, I loved that book, and was even really blessed by a Zac Poonen sermon on it today, I guess I am just baffled by not hearing this much, and not seeing other teachings on it historically. _________________ Jeremiah Dusenberry
2010/11/18 22:02 | Profile |
Areadymind Member
Joined: 2009/5/15 Posts: 1042 Pacific Ocean
| Re: | | Brother Greg, do you happen to know why it was resisted as a teaching?
_________________ Jeremiah Dusenberry
2010/11/18 22:08 | Profile |
StarofG0D Member
Joined: 2007/10/28 Posts: 1232 United States
| Re: | | Areadymind, Zac Poonen teaches on soulishness a lot. He may have even gotten the teaching from Watchmen Nee for starters then went with it. Because I know Zac Poonen refers to a lot of Watchman Nee's teachings. You should email Zac and see where else this is taught. I'd be interested to know as well. :)
Unless Greg knows too.
I believe, soulishness is more present in the church than we can even begin to realize.
Could pietism be similar to soulishness? One article I read, said there were similarities. But I do not know enough about pietism to make an accurate judgment. _________________ Michelle
2010/11/18 22:30 | Profile |
knitefall Member
Joined: 2010/3/2 Posts: 253
| Re: | | Yes, I couldn't agree more. The longer I live for Him (very short compared to most of you) the more I recognize the flesh(soul) in myself and in preaching. Not much preaching contents me anymore because of this.
With Bro Zac, I know of some of his teachings and that's great. But I do know he quoted the mess bible. I do have issues with that. It has direct word for word quotes from the Druids and other occult like groups. It hold much much vulgarity in the sexual area and diminishes the Deity of Jesus a lot. And I have problems with that.
But the topic of soulishness is a key in end time conditions of the Church. We are in no way spotless when we operate in our own ability to please God. In fact, God hates it and calls it sin.
I am not going to argue about the mess bible but only tell you to watch out. I say that with care. Shawn. |
2010/11/18 22:40 | Profile |
StarofG0D Member
Joined: 2007/10/28 Posts: 1232 United States
| Re: | | Ez 13:3 also talks about the false prophets who depended upon their own "spirits" which I think would be the same the "soul." _________________ Michelle
2010/11/18 23:14 | Profile |
Areadymind Member
Joined: 2009/5/15 Posts: 1042 Pacific Ocean
| Re: | | Interesting Michelle, that is a good point about piety. Although piety is a bit of a difficult word to pin down a definition on. People have used it in both positive and negative connotations. It is kind of one of those words that acts like a mercenary.
Although I think I can see what you are getting at. There may be some ways to tie the two ideas together to get a bit of a picture of soulishness through another commonly used verbage...historically.
_________________ Jeremiah Dusenberry
2010/11/19 1:20 | Profile |
Areadymind Member
Joined: 2009/5/15 Posts: 1042 Pacific Ocean
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2010/11/19 1:45 | Profile |
Heydave Member
Joined: 2008/4/12 Posts: 1306 Hampshire, UK
| Re: Soulishness | | By Areadymind: Quote:
I am not interested in opinions on the legitimacy or lack thereof of the doctrine. I am just curious on the history of its teaching.
I'm not sure why else you may be interested in this subject, but surely it should be of interest to us if it is a biblically correct doctrine.
I think the fact that you cannot find much teaching on 'soulishness' before Watchman Nee should raise a a red light of concern. Why not do a bible word study on 'Soul' and see what you find. I like a lot a lot of Watchman Nee's teaching, such as 'The Normal Christain Life' book (which is good bible exegesis), but I am very cautious of his teaching on the Soul.
I personally think that most of the teaching that has built up around 'soulishness' has very little (if any) biblical support. When you look at the scriptures people quote to support the various aspects of 'Soulishness' or 'soul ties' etc, they are either taken out of context or taken to say something they were never inteded to mean. Mostly the teaching is very subjective (if that's the right word). I mean it is based on opinion and personal conclusions, rather than clear biblical teaching (and I mean clear).
As Christians we do tend to repeat things we are taught and so certain teachings become ingrained into our theology and we just accept them as being correct......until we take a fresh un-biased look at what does the bible 'actually' say about this!
For me, the word of God tells us that we either 'walk in the Spirit or the flesh'. So it's only a matter of the Spirit of God or the flesh. Now our soul (life) can be controlled by either. You have to have a 'soul life', but it has to die to the flesh and be controlled by the Spirit. So in reality what they call being 'soulish' is realy 'FLESH' or 'FLESHY'. It's the same thing and not another dimension. I don't mind if someone calls it 'soulish' or 'fleshy' as it amounts to the same thing, ie.not Spiritual. I just don't agree with building a whole teaching around something not clearly taught in the bible.
Enough from me anyway. _________________ Dave
2010/11/19 4:55 | Profile |