Waiting on God for deliverance during affliction is closely linked with holy silence. "Truly the soul waiteth upon God: from Him cometh my salvation" (Psalm 62:1). The Hebrew literally reads, "My soul is silent."Hope fills the afflicted soul with joy. Hope brings such consolation that the afflicted soul can smile even when tears run down the face. This is called "the rejoicing of the hope" (Hebrews 3:6). And hope never produces more joy than in affliction. The sun paints the beautiful colors in the rainbow on a watery cloud. "Rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only so, but we glory in tribu-lations: (Romans 5:2-3).Glorying is a rejoicing which the Christian cannot contain within himself; it comes forth in some outward expression to let others know what a feast he has inside.The springs of comfort lie high indeed when joy flows from the believer's mouth. And all the joy which sustains the suffering saint is sent in by hope at the cost of Christ, who has prepared unspeakable glory in heaven. Should we pity ourselves for the tribulations we go through on the way to Christ's glory?While troubles attack with oppression, the gracious promises anoint with blessings. Hope breaks the alabaster box of the promises over the Christian's head and sends consolations abroad in the soul. And like a precious ointment these comforts exhilarate and refresh the spirit, heal the wounds, and remove the pain. Paul says, "Hope makes not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us" (Romans 5:5). Faith and hope are two graces which Christ uses above all others to fill the soul with joy, because these fetch all their wine of joy out of doors. Faith tells the soul what has done and hope revives the soul with the news of what He will do. But both draw sweet wine from the same source-Christ - and His promise.The Christian in Complete Armour - Nov. 17
Very good stuff!I pull out CHRISTIAN IN COMPLETE ARMOUR at least once a year. Thanks for sharing!
Hope believes, hope endures, hope rejoices!!
_________________Martin G. Smith
I am currently making my way through this book, what a blessing it is! There is so much to glean from it, I am greatly encouraged, exhorted, and edified. I've been reading this book for several months and I'm still on the belt of truth; due to the old language and the sheer depth of the material I have to go slowly but, oh , it is worth it!you can find the e-book in Palm Reader format at the following link...http://www.ccel.org/ccel/gurnall/armour/files/armour.pdbor in PDF format at the following links...http://www.ccel.org/ccel/gurnall/armour/files/armour1.pdfhttp://www.ccel.org/ccel/gurnall/armour/files/armour2.pdfIn Christ,Ron
_________________Ron Halverson