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 Attributes of God by Andrew Murray 4

4. God the Holy Spirit

By Andrew Murray

“Through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.” (Eph 2:18)

In our communion with God in the inner chamber, we must guard against seeking to know God and Christ in the power of the intellect or the emotions. The Holy Spirit has been given for the express purpose that “we have access in one Spirit . . .to the Father.” Let us beware lest our labor be in vain, because we do not wait for the teaching of the Spirit.

Christ taught his disciples this truth in the lat night. Speaking of the coming of the Comforter, He said,
“Ask and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” Hold fast the truth that the Holy Spirit was given
to teach us to pray. He makes the fellowship with the Father and the Son a reality. Be strong in the faith
that He is working secretly in you. As you enter the inner chamber, give yourself wholly to His guidance as your Teacher in all your intercession and adoration.

When Christ said to the disciples on the evening of the resurrection day, “Receive the Holy Spirit, “ it was, for one thing, to strengthen and equip them for the tend days of prayer and their receiving the fullness of the Spirit. This suggests to us three things we ought to remember when we dray near to God
in prayer:

First, we must pray in the confidence that the Holy Spirit dwells in us, and yield ourselves in stillness of the soul, to His leading.

Second, we must believe that the “greater works” of the Spirit for the enlightening and strengthening of
the spiritual life—the fullness of the Spirit—will be given in answer to prayer.

Third, we must believe that through the Spirit, in unity with all God’s children, we may ask and expect the mighty workings of that Spirit in His Church and people.

“He who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water’”
(Jn 7:38)

“Do you believe this?”

From the 6-month devotional “Every Day” with Andrew Murray

Mike Wright

 2010/11/18 12:35Profile

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