THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2010YOU ARE PRECIOUS TO GOD - David WilkersonFor by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).Even if you lived to be 500 years old, you wouldnt live long enough to please God by your own doings. It doesnt matter how hard you may try to clean yourself up. Your flesh isnt accepted before God; it cant even be reformed. All flesh was done away with at the cross. Now a new man has come forth: the Christ man. True faith is having confidence in what he has done for you.You may say, O, I can believe that God delights in faithful pastors. They pray and spend so much time in his Word. I can believe that elders are precious to him. Theyve endured sufferings, testings and trials, and theyve come out victorious. But I find it hard to believe that a troubled, failing Christian like me could be precious to God. He has to be disgusted with me because my life is so up-and-down. Ive got problems I cant seem to get through. I believe he still loves me, but surely he is disappointed in me.Please understand Isaiahs wonderful prophecy of grace when God said, I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine (Isaiah 43:1) This was spoken to a people who had been robbed, spoiled, snared and cast into prisonall because of their own foolishness and unbelief.It is at that point that God said to them, Nowafter all your failuresI come to you with this message of hope. And its all because you are mine!
How blessed to know GOD callsus by Name, HE chooses us inHIS love, delights in us, makesus the apple of HIS eye!!
_________________Martin G. Smith