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Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057

 struggling with emotions

I have been really struggling with sadness lately. I know that being over emotional can be sin and I don't want to get caught up in this but its been very difficult. I was wondering if I might ask of some of the other sisters who visit the site how do you deal with this. Are there times when your emotions just get to be more then you can hold in? It seems lately that there are times when all I can do is cry no matter how much I try not to give into the emotional strings tugging at my heart I am only pretending. I feel terrible for feeling this way and that only makes things worse. I know I have the wrong attitude in my heart. I should be thankful, God has done so much for me, and yet I struggling with finding joy.


 2010/11/17 16:21Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: struggling with emotions

Sister, dear...ever heard of menopause? Nasty, I know. While you are working to get your physical well-being in order, work on the spiritual. You may begin by taking some vitamins, Sea-Silver...some will run to the doctor and take hormones. If you can stand it, do not go there. I did it cold-turkey with the above helps and now I am fine.

Ageing is not too horrible once you get pass menopause. God allowed it to happen so he is not surprised...just do not sin while you feel horrible. God's enabling grace will be there if you allow him to help you.

God bless,

Sandra Miller

 2010/11/17 16:37Profile

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


Thank you ginnyrose for your response. Truth is that I have no real excuse for my tears or sadness. I have been feeling sorry for myself and the Lord has used your post on another thread to show me that. I have been so blessed by God and yet I have behaved like a spoiled child because not everything has gone the way that I wanted. I said before that I didn't want to sin but the Lord has opened my eyes to see that I already am in sin because I have allowed self and things around me to take my focus off of HIM. My focus has been on me and my situation, my circumstance and for that I need to repent. All things in HIS good and perfect timing

God Bless

 2010/11/17 21:52Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


God bless you, my dear. Will pray for you as the Holy Spirit reminds me....I say it thus because I do forget. :-(

Take care,

Sandra Miller

 2010/11/17 23:04Profile

Joined: 2010/11/17
Posts: 53

 Re: struggling with emotions

Dear sister,

I have been also going through something very similar to what you feel. I will tell you what has happened to me and it may be of help. I had lost the will to fight. To keep studying the way i should, pray the way i should, ect..
One day at the church i went to the preaching didn't really preach. He asked the congregation if anyone wanted to say anything and people started to say that they have been selfish lately and how great God is. It really was hitting me also. All these people was going through about the same thing. The Spirit of God really started to pour out unto the church and it was great. It really humbled me(God did).

At the end of the service the preacher asked if anyone else had anything they wanted to say and i spoke up. I know I talked about "man pleasing" and that was what I was dealing with, but I don't really remember what I said because the Holy Spirit was speaking through me at that point. The thing happened though was that I had that renewed will to fight. We are going through a war the biggest and hardest we have ever known. Don't stop, don't give in, don't slow down. Even you feel bad and don't feel like going on, reading, praying, ect.. dig in harder. This is where discipline comes in at. We must continue to fight even when we are at our worst.

I pray that this may be of some help to you.

Brother Joe

 2010/11/17 23:29Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


All these people was going through about the same thing.

Someone has said that if everyone would hang their troubles out on a clothes line for all the world to see and if you could pick and choose which line you want for your own, you would pick yours!

The fact that others are going through the same things as we should inform us that we all face a common enemy and his tactics have not changed any. He has more modern tools to facilitate his work, but its effect on humans remain the same.

The solution is to repent of all known sin and then allow the Holy Spirit to fill you. Studying the WORD and allowing it to teach will always be learning, trust me. And the devil will keep working harder then ever.

Yes, we are in a WAR and it gets bloody sometimes.

Appreciated your post, Brother Joe.


Sandra Miller

 2010/11/18 9:44Profile

 Re: struggling with emotions...coming out golden.

"I feel terrible for feeling this way and that only makes things worse. I know I have the wrong attitude in my heart. I should be thankful, God has done so much for me, and yet I struggling with finding joy."...MaryJane

You may respond to this in a different way, being female, but the roots are very similar to my experience, a brother. I may react a little differently, but privately, I too have shed tears over my circumstance.

All of it is not unbelief, or a bad attitude, or lack of faith, however; This I know...

2Corinthians Chapter 1:

"8 For we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of our trouble which came to us in Asia: that we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life.

9 Yes, we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead, 10 who delivered us from so great a death, and does deliver us; in whom we trust that He will still deliver us,

11 you also helping together in prayer for us, that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the gift granted to us through many."

Beyond measure...above strength..despairing of life....

Now that's depression. I'm sure Paul shed a tear or two in the midst of that one. What was God after? Is it only the "SUPER-SAINTS" that go through that?


Of course, not every bad day falls into this category, but I'll bet that a lot more of those elected ones, Chosen Ones, than we have a clue of, ARE suffering this sentence of death, in order that they would become qualified to be His Possession, and be in a position to be possessed by God fully.

Only one God will be worshipped in the temple that we humans are...either the God Creator Jesus the Spirit, or god the created fallen me in the glory of my disgusting pride of life.

Did you ever meet a Christian that truly suffered and came through the suffering trusting and believing in God's faithfulness? I've met a handful...really; two or three tops. They not only glow; they are sweet and joyfull in a peacefull, quiet way.

The goal of God is to emanate Himself undivided through the temple you are, and in the end, for this to be successful, we must be slain; annhilated.

19 "For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God.

20 I have been crucified with Christ; is no longer I who live,..[Am I dead?]

....[ yes but no..]but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh...

.... I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."..[This is a mystery of God..]

The last time I checked being crucified is painful. It is real blood, sweat and tears...and excruciating. God has the Universe at His disposal, and His desire is to conform us to Himself, not to bless us.

Read the despair of Job, and see the lengths that the Father will go to secure the affections of one man, and increase his faith to fellowship him in a more full way.

Worship Him in your pain, and don't waste your sorrows. You'll come out like gold.

 2010/11/18 13:28

 Re: struggling with emotions

Brothertom, thanks for your post. You pulled together a bunch of things which are hard to pull to the front of one's tongue in a 'bad' week.

I'm very encouraged, and hope MJ is as well.

 2010/11/19 8:17

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