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Joined: 2009/12/8
Posts: 1795

 Beautiful Worship Music Aileen Gilchrist

Beautiful Worship music.

Also, please forgive my post on the favorite books, I hit the wrong key and it posted before I was done.

Brucho is Bruce Olson

Brucho is the title of the book - you can buy it at

He was a young man and wanted to go through traditional ways but tradition wouldn't have him so he just plowed on and continued to do what the Lord told him to do. He was captured, hungry but he made it. He is still today a Christian missionary with the Motilone Barí Indians in Columbia and God has used him mightily to save so many who never heard of Jesus. This is a very powerful book of a man's determination to do God's will and to preserver through awful circumstances.

 2010/11/16 19:52Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Beautiful Worship Music

Thanks for sharing sister.

And just so the saints know there are over 1000 godly music songs on sermonindex also for free download:

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2010/11/16 19:53Profile

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