yes, its actually "Middle East MEDIA Research Institute", and from some of the content, and the depth of its linquists, as well as being based out of Israel, it has robust ties to Israeli intelligence, it would seem.
one thing you should be cognizant of, in the world of islamic jihadism, the one thing that drives them absolutely nuts, is to point out that these jihadi's, what the press terms "al-qaida" (which is a term that is meaningless, translates to "the base")...if you study islamic theology, you point out, that these jihadi's are NOT a monolith, NOT unified....that drives them absolutely crazy.
they WANT us to think they are unified as one potent body, when that is not the case, AT ALL. Islamic Jihadi's, let me call them IJ's for short....IJ's love to whack out each other with gusto as well as conspiring to attack the continental US.
in fact it drives me absolutely crazy, when i see folks screaming about the supposed "ground zero mosque". We play right into their hands when we do that. please listen to me. first, there's been a "mosque" three blocks from the WTC for years, second and most important, study up on who is building this mosque, or islamic center. They are Sufi's, the most liberal sect of all. It would be like the Epispocal Church of the US, led by their gay bishop Gene Robinson, trying to get permits to build a new "church" in lets say Istanbul.
thats how hard core IJ's, most of them, Sunni's from the Salafi wing (also called Wahabbist's) view the Sufi's, as backslidden liberal apostates worthy of death, and then we start to make a fuss about this community center.....a global fuss, we are viewed by the world, as aborgating OUR VERY OWN CONSTITUTION, and turning this war on violent islamic jihadism, into a "religious" war, we dont want to do that.
When we send our boys and girls to fight, at least, my fellow American's, do your homework, know your adversary, dont just repeat jingo's and run about in fear over "sharia law coming to America"........that isnt going to happen.
People say America was founded on Judeo-Christian "principles"...period, end of sentence. America was founded on the essential Freedom (free will)to worship in your way...or not. You can be a Christian, a Protestant, a Jew, a catholic, a muslim, a buddhist..or God help ya, you can be an atheist, and no "king" is going to take your head off coz of that! That's America, and our core values.
This "domominionists" or "Christian Reconstructionists", that want to configure a defacto "American Theocracy", and try and wrap the Lord Jesus in the flag, will drag this nation STRAIGHT TO HELL, if they are successful.
alright...rant over....MEMRI's an excellent site to keep apprised of our enemies. |