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sonofthunder Member

Joined: 2005/3/31 Posts: 419 Son Of Thunder i come from a land down under, due south at the bottom of your work globes
| Shepherdship errors as they stand today!! | | Let me say strongly from the beginning that i am not against true authentic leadership and/or pastors and them that are in positions of oversight! But i do want to outline some things ive observed over the years regarding the errors of shepherdship. But that being the case i will mostly quote passages from holy scripture. So I hope you will come on board and join me for a brief summary - but with open hearts and ears to hear what the spirit saith!
Much was spoken against the errors of shepherdship years ago - and so i will not go over old ground ... as such.
But simply refresh the mind with some thoughts to consider:
1. They will NOT (lord) it over the flock:
THEY WILL RECOGNIZE THEY HAVE A POSITION OF GREATER ACCOUNTABILITY AND responsibility as those who must give account. But as genuine leaders they not succumb to a position of lording it over others. Like diotrophes in 3rd John who who not allow his church members to fellowship with Johns company - and those who do not obey the edict, were simply cast out of the church! Diotrophes was a case example of lording it OVER the flock. ( If you are part of a church that holds to shepherdship ... then the shepherd will lord it over the flock. As he mistakenly believes he displaces Christ as the shepherd of the sheep. But the bible still teaches the Lordship of Jesus Christ to one and to all both individually and collectively as his body, who alone are answerable to christ on the day of judgment, and not to man or to men...
2. They will lead by example: By example i mean the (leading) is a leading that is one that models Christ to others! that models how to be a witness and models a life that bears fruit! And models christianity in a way that others both see and behold ... this man ... is a true servant and follower od Jesus! he sets the example and therefore ... he is leading by example - in all that he does and in the way he carries himself from day to day in his walk - with God. Those that lead because they hold to the view they are above others and higher than others under them - will soon fall if they are not circumspect and realize it is the grace of God that they are allowed to be put into the ministry. Indeed we are no one ...and ...of ...ourseves!
3. True leaders are models of humility: There is no "big noting of themseves" No trying to increase there fame! they know that if a man does exalt himself he will be abased! (put down) They know that in God's kingdom and in God's economy the way up - is down! John baptist said it well " i must decrease and HE must INCREASE! Well said John!
4. Anything that usurps the headship of Christ as the captain of our salvation and as great high priest over the house of God is indeed suspect and questionable - pe say. The one thing that God keeps re-iterating to me over and over as of late - is the fact we need to restore Jesus to his rightful position - and that is ...Jesus as (the HEAD of the church) after all he is the one that walked among the 7 seven churches in asia and said if they dont repent of such and such - then i will remove the candlestick from amongst them! We need to get back to holding to the head - and recognize he walks amongst churches - and he will remove leaders that do the wrong thing. In fact the book of Revelation chapters 2 and 3 show Jesus doing what he promised to do and that is ...govern the head of the church. Repent or else ... was often ...the warning...given
5. They will not hold to a (top-to-bottom) hierarchy structure within the church: Diotrophes again is a case example of leadership gone mad and gone bad: truly he believed in his own fame and publicity overmuch. Although he was percieved to be at the top ... by those that followed and to those who submitted to him. This was a classic case of a (top to bottom) leadership role. Where no one but diotrophes ruled - and what he said ... goes ..and what he said stuck!! and failure to heed his rulings was seen as nothing short of being tantamount to both disobedience and rebellion - and an utter lack of submission. Hence he cast them out - that obeyed not his word _________________ Bro Stephen
2010/11/12 8:33 | Profile |
Oracio Member

Joined: 2007/6/26 Posts: 2094 Whittier CA USA
| Re: Shepherdship errors as they stand today!! | | sonofthunder, in your recent thread titled "When Does Authority Go Too Far?" you did not really engage. I'm curious to know if you disagreed with the stances of those like pilgrim777 and if that's why you did not engage or give any feedback. It seems you do not really want to consider or engage in discussion with those who have such "radical" views on authority compared to the "mainstream". Just asking so that we can know to stay out of it if that's the case. Blessings, Oracio _________________ Oracio
2010/11/12 11:11 | Profile |
| Re: | | Oracio, Good question. I noticed that, too.
It would be nice if the author of a thread would follow through and participate, give feedback, etc. |
2010/11/12 11:15 | |
sojourner7 Member

Joined: 2007/6/27 Posts: 1573 Omaha, NE
| Re: Shepherdship errors as they stand today!! | | A shepherds work is to care and tend for the flock. Jesus asked Peter: "Do you love Me??" Feed my sheep."
_________________ Martin G. Smith
2010/11/12 12:21 | Profile |
Madefree Member

Joined: 2010/11/7 Posts: 193 Alabama
| Re: | | This topic is much needed. The popeish leadership of churches is everywhere, especially in fundamentalism. We have more sheep-shearers than shepherds anymore! I'm not trying to go antinomian, but something's has to change. Thank you for posting it. _________________ Mike Wright
2010/11/12 12:24 | Profile |
| Re: | | I think things are changing as people are finding out who the true Shepherd really is. But at the same time, many more are following false shepherds. The Shepherd is calling and the true sheep are coming to Him.
Having the title of Pastor does not really mean anything, let alone any title. Stop putting yourself under somebody. When you do that you are replacing the Lord.
We have horizontal relationships with each other, not vertical. I repeat. We have no vertical relationship with any man.
A shepherd in real life does not take advantage of sheep and does not work them like cattle to enrich himself.
If you do a study on false shepherds and true shepherds in the Word and you will see what you need to see. Also, study 1 Samuel 8.
If you know the Great Shepherd, you won't let yourself be led around by a false shepherd. |
2010/11/12 12:38 | |
Oracio Member

Joined: 2007/6/26 Posts: 2094 Whittier CA USA
| Re: | | There are multitudes of "shepherds" in the Church acting like pharaohs who enslave God's people in their minds and make them promote their own agendas. They have been very succesful at holding God's people in fear of disobience and breaking allegience to them. This problem is somewhat similar to the history of the Catholic church with their popes, bishops and priests, though to a less extreme degree. The LORD is now commanding these shepherds to "Let My people go", and He is calling His sheep to hear HIS voice and follow HIM(John 10:27; see also all of John 10). Dear brothers and sisters, will you "follow the Lamb wherever He goes?"(Rev.14:4), or will you follow and obey a man instead. How I long to see the day when the people of God are truly free from the traditions of men which make the Word of God null and void in their lives! Set us free to serve You and You alone oh Lord, according to Your Word and not the dictates of men! Let us be like Peter who said, "we must obey God rather than men!" _________________ Oracio
2010/11/12 13:55 | Profile |
ADisciple Member

Joined: 2007/2/3 Posts: 835 Alberta, Canada
| Re: | | Here are a couple of verses that speak volumes.
"Take heed to yourselves, and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers to feed the church of God which He hath purchased with His own blood" (Acts 20.28).
That's the KJV, but the original Greek for "over" is "en" and so this should read, "in" or "among."
"...All the flock AMONG which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers..."
Not OVER which, but AMONG which. And overseers simply means those who "watch over," not rule over, the flock.
And this one: "The elders which are AMONG you..." (Here the KJV has it right.) "The elders which are among you I exhort, who also am an elder..." (I Pt. 5.1). Notice that also: Peter says he was AN elder, not THE elder...
...So much for the RC hierarchy, then, with the pope and all his archbishops and bishops and so on.
Of course we loudly exclaim against that. But if Scripture clearly shows it to be false, why have the Protestant denominations, many of them, set it up as well?
Peter goes on... "Not as lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock." _________________ Allan Halton
2010/11/12 14:35 | Profile |
ADisciple Member

Joined: 2007/2/3 Posts: 835 Alberta, Canada
| Re: | | Quote:
How I long to see the day when the people of God are truly free from the traditions of men which make the Word of God null and void in their lives!
Amen. I wonder to what degree it can be said of us Bible believers what Jesus said to the Pharisees of His day: "Ye do err not knowing the Scriptures..." _________________ Allan Halton
2010/11/12 14:39 | Profile |
Madefree Member

Joined: 2010/11/7 Posts: 193 Alabama
| Re: | | All I can say: AMEN!!! _________________ Mike Wright
2010/11/12 15:52 | Profile |