Poster | Thread |
| Re: | | Quote:
We don't need a degree in Mathematics or some "wheel" to understand it. All we need is an open heart that longs to know the Lord.
Agreed. I don't have a mathematics degree and still getting blessed by what I am seeing. It's pretty simple, actually. I have an open heart and have been extremely blessed at the scriptures that the Biblewheel (like any other study aid) has revealed. Not new ones. Just the ones that are already there. For instance, I had no idea that Ezra, Haggai and James had so much in common. Is that bad to know about?
Of course, I understand that this wasn't the case here.
I appreciate your kindhearted spirit and understanding where I am coming from. IT'S A STUDY AID about the BIBLE.
However, I think that there is a danger because some brothers take such things seriously and to a fault. I have met a few people who almost live by their assumptions from various Bible codes (as if some mathematical number system of letters, verses or chapters could predict the future).
Agreed. But we cannot be a "Mommy" to everyone. When this thread started someone was trying to be one to us by telling us what we should spend our time in (prayer). Are we not adults governed by the Holy Spirit (supposedly). Are we now going to manage a person's time and what they spend their time on?
If we aren't careful, this can almost be as horrendous and damaging as that silly OMEGA CODE movie produced by TBN about a Bible Code and predicting the return of Christ. We don't need such things...because we ALREADY know that Jesus is coming back at an hour that we know not.
I think OMEGA CODE was silly, too.
Do you agree that we should not tell people what they should use when studying God's Word?
Are we going to isolate brethren now because of what Study Aid they use? I don't isolate anyone because of the Bible version they use? I know people that do. I am KJV Preferred. I won't say I am KJV Only because I don't like the spirit of some of those brethren. I don't attack someone if I hear them reading a different version and I certainly will not isolate anyone because of what bible version they read.
I am definitely not going to attack, isolate or marginalize someone because of a stupid study aid like the Complete Works of Calvin. Not saying that it is stupid, but just saying that it is stupid to isolate someone because of what they read. Strongs, Vines, etc. They are all fallible.
Let's keep things in perspective. I do agree that all study aids of men, must always be kept in perspective, and the Biblewheel is no different.
Does that help? |
| 2010/11/11 14:32 | |
| Re: Joined to Idols: The Whoredom of Israel | | A great study.
God told Hosea to marry a prostitute! How his heart must have died within him when he received this command! It was just about the greatest humiliation any servant of God could suffer. Remember, Simon the Pharisee judged Jesus as "no prophet" when He merely let a prostitute touch His feet (Luke 7:39). How much greater a dishonor to marry one! So why did God give such a scandalous command? What did He intend for us to see in it? And why did Jesus deliberately associate with prostitutes? What was His point? The answer leads directly to the absolute core of the Gospel, as revealed on the third Book on Spoke 6 when God made Himself "of no reputation" for the salvation of our souls. |
| 2010/11/11 17:41 | |
| Re: | | I guess if it's just used as a study tool there's no harm in it. |
| 2010/11/11 21:22 | |
| Re: | | Yeah, that's all I'm using it for. Richard McGough say that is what it is intended for, also.
I have been very enriched and ordered one of his books.
By the way, I spent 2 years in Yokosuka. How are you liking Kobe?
| 2010/11/12 0:25 | |
| | 2010/11/12 11:12 | |
| Re: | | Haha. Japan's a trip man. PM me sometime though, I'd love to talk with you sometime about your experience there. -Grant |
| 2010/11/12 11:25 | |
| Re: Beware of the trap. | | Does this sound like the pure gospel of Paul, the apostle?
"With the advent of the Canon Wheel, we now have an overwhelming convergence of distinct, independent, universal, and Biblical symbols representing different aspects of the unity, perfection, and completeness of the Holy Bible.
They synergistically interact to amplify the symbolic meaning each holds individually so that the significance of the whole is immeasurably greater than the sum of its individual parts.
And yet for all this, we have only just begun to discover the wonder revealed by the simple act of "rolling up the Bible like a scroll." of "Bible Wheel".. Richard McGough
This smacks of "Christian Kabbalahism"..[an oxymoron] if I have ever seen it, or at best, a form of Gnosticism, that feeds you the lie that "Godly" symbollism can lead you into Godly substance.
"For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience that we conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God, and more abundantly toward you." 2 Corinthians 1:11-13 .and..... 2 Corinthians 11:3 "But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.".....Paul.
I feel that this website is a snare, and a trap. It is prideful dribble built upon assumptions of superior revelation that lead you into a maze of opinionated empirical knowledge. I see it as a grace stealer.
Knowledge puffs up; love edifies. Fruit comes from abiding in Him. Love the simple and pure word and strive to please God by doing it. |
| 2010/11/12 12:57 | |
| Re: | | Hold fast to that which is good.
Just like SI,
In udder woids, "eat the chicken and spit out the bones".
| 2010/11/12 13:01 | | ccchhhrrriiisss Member
Joined: 2003/11/23 Posts: 4779
| Re: | | Hi pilgrim777...
I understand that you are using this as merely a study tool. However, I visited the website that you linked...and the links from it to the website. I have to say that I must find some of the rationale behind this thing somewhat troubling. It seems to reek of mysticism.
Now, I don't have a problem with legitimate study aids to learn the Scriptures. I know that many study Bibles contain tips and guides for memorization of Scripture. For instance, the Thompson Chain Reference suggests that believers learn the 3:16s of Scripture. These are great tips for individuals with poor memorization skills to learn important principles found at those notated locations in the Scriptures.
However, this "Bible Wheel" (at least, as found in these websites) almost assume a supernatural design in their circular study tool that they attribute to the design of God. Of course, it must rely on the naming and the placement of the notation system designed by mere men from the 1500s. It is eerie in its claims and even suggests that the wheel takes people to a "higher dimension."
Of course, you are taking it at surface value as a mere study tool. Personally, I don't know that the BibleWheel would help my study any more than the pure repetition of prayerful study. Concepts are certainly linked together in Scripture -- but not through a purely mathematical perspective. There just aren't any hidden codes or formulas that would "enlighten" individuals to supernaturally understand the Word of God better. After all, it only takes wisdom that comes from knowing the Lord.
I am not saying that everyone should avoid the "Bible Wheel" as a study aid. Nor am I saying that study aids are counterproductive. However, I would strongly urge the brethren to avoid the specific assertions found on that website regarding its inspiration and formulated claims.
In fact, I am concerned that such a thing convolutes the study of God's Word. To learn from God, we simply need to come to Him...and realize that reading the Word of God is akin to listening as we sit at the feet of Jesus. _________________ Christopher
| 2010/11/12 13:19 | Profile |
| Re: BibleWheel | | Hi Chris,
I liked your post. I have a similar concern that some people might feel there is something HIDDEN in the Word of God, through the digits which form numbers which the words sum up to. I would say this is taking it too far.
Simply writing the Hebrew alphabet in a straight line would have produced the same results. Any virtue in laying out the circle, is to counter Greek thought about circles. Because Jesus called Himself the Beginning and the End, (Alpha and Omega), it is necessary that these letters occupy the same place, if they are one in Him.
What struck me when I first found TheBibleWheel, was the links between concepts which work positively, such as that the gematrical values of words - such as Abraham and 'faith' coming to the same number - were not 'hidden' to the first apostles.
They would have been well aware of these number connections. To them, it was part of knowing Hebrew. This then, render's Paul's pre-occupation with Abraham exemplary faith, something which God had already embedded in the reading of the Old Testament for the Hebrews.
It's the Hebrew that interests me. It appears that some Hebrew words translate into whole phrases in English. Reading the Bible in English therefore, totally fails to communicate the economy of words in Hebrew, which would have made memorisation easier in the oral tradition, and, which leaves less room for 'interpretation'.
Like anything - watching a film, playing a board game, going to soccer - even studying Hebrew could become an idol. It is up to us as individuals to let God search our hearts and be responsive to His corrections. As we are regularly reminded on SI, 'knowledge puffs up'.
| 2010/11/12 14:30 | |