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Thanks for your concern, UntoBabes. It is just a study aid like any other study aid. It is thrilling for me to read the Bible with or without study aids. This is one of the best I have found. But it is just that, a study aid.

"These results demonstrate yet again the overwhelming power of the Bible Wheel. It truly is the Rosetta Stone of Biblical Hermeneutics. It confirms the canonical Books even as it proves (with the same evidence, no less!) that the apocryphal additions must be excluded."

I would rather get excited about the Bible than ESPN Sports or other such nonsense on TV (Terribly Vulgar). Maybe this will help some men see the wonders of the Word.

It definitely can be used to reach Jewish people and already has been.

The Bible Wheel reveals the solution to the Synoptic Problem.


And what is the central purpose of the Chronicles? The BibleWheel reveals this.

Chronicles is a retelling of the story already told in the books of Samuel and the Kings, but from a different standpoint, with new emphases and new aspects, with significant additions and omissions, and supplying completive interpretations. In fact, it is in this repetition, with its characteristic additions and omissions, that the peculiar viewpoint and significance of the Chronicles are perceived; for if we read these "chronicles" side by side with the earlier accounts in Samuel and Kings, we soon begin to notice that the addition and omissions all seem of the same sort, that is, they all seem to conform to one focal purpose. What, then, is the unifying idea running through theses additions and omissions?
Apocryphal Additions to Esther Refuted
The Meaning of Esther and its Integration with the Bible Wheel

One of the most significant results derived from the Bible Wheel, which profoundly impacts all aspects of canonical studies, is the synergistic mutual confirmation of the content of Holy Scripture with its geometric form and integration with the Hebrew Alphabet.

The integration of the content of Esther with its position on the Bible Wheel is one of the most astounding examples of God's providential supervision over the formation of the Canon.

From His Website: Shows me he reveres the Word of God.

Obviously, the aprocryphal additions are the work of mere humans who felt a need to thrust God into the story in which He Himself had clearly chosen to "hide His face." There are many lessons to be learned here. We must never think to "improve" on the Word of God. Many aspects of its design are hidden from us. If we try to "force-fit" anything to conform to our limited human understanding, we most certainly will distort the Work of God.

 2010/11/10 14:23

 Re: BibleWheel

Satan is a crafty serpent that does not mind that our time be consumed on what we think a good cause, but all of a sudden, our prayer life is neglected.

Even as I post here sometimes, I realize that the enemy can use that to take away my time with God.

You are absolutely right. Point taken.

 2010/11/10 14:46

 Re: Ezra, Haggai and James

Well, just had a great prayer time (thanks UntoBabes) and now I am excited to get back to studying the Word..

Definitely, need to keep a balance, don't we?

I am embarking on a study of Ezra, Haggai and James since they all appear on the 15 spoke of the Biblewheel. I want to see why they do and what they have in common. What could God be speaking through this arrangement?

Luther did not like the book of James. His inability to see God's purpose in James was such that he called this great Book 'an epistle of straw'.

What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
James 2:14ff (Spoke 15, Cycle 3)

Ezra, Haggai and James all fall on spoke 15 which is the hebrew letter Samek. What do Ezra, Haggai and James all have in common?

The 15th letter of the alphabet is Samek and keywords for Samek are Samak (Support), Sa'ad (Support, Help, Assist, Feed), Sabal (to bear a burden).

The Book of James bears distinctive characteristics that set it apart from all other Books in the New Testament. It is a corrective to potential abuse of the doctrines of Sola Gratia and Sola Fide, that is, that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone. His strong emphasis on the importance of actually doing good works greatly confused Luther who could not reconcile this with Paul's plain teaching that "by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." His inability to see God's purpose in James was such that he called this great Book 'an epistle of straw'.

It seems to me that if James is any kind of straw, it is the straw that should break the back of any camel bearing the load of denied facts testifying to the Divine design of the Bible and its integration with the Hebrew Alphabet. It is here in James, the final Book on Spoke 15, that God reveals the ultimate spiritual significance of Samek in the plainest possible language:

For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

James 1:23ff

This is the essence of Samek: support for the Body of Christ, the living Temple of God.

Now let's see how Haggai has a part in this.

Lack of Divine Support Due to Sin (HaggaiJames)

Now therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways. Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes.

Haggai 1:5ff (Spoke 15, Cycle 2)

These passages form an extensive interwoven KeyLink that exemplifies our dependence on Divine support. They both present a sequence of four verbs preceded by a ye followed by the phrase have not or something similar. It is God's desire to give us His full Divine Support in all areas of our lives. Our sin is the only thing stopping us from receiving His abundant Gifts. He has given us His Promise: "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up" (James 4:10). All of this coheres with the fundamental meaning of Samek as the Symbol of Help and Suppport. This is the Divine Perfection of the Holy Word revealed in the Bible Wheel with such simplicity that all the children of God can see it and rejoice.

Ye have sown much...............Ye lust
and bring in have not
ye kill and desire to have
but he have not enough........and cannot obtain
ye fight and war
but are not filled with......yet ye have not because ye ask
Ye clothe you..................Ye ask
but there is none warm..........and receive not
and he that earneth wages..because ye ask amis that ye may
to put it into a bag with.......consume it upon your lusts.

What about Ezra? He appears on the same spoke.

This opening passage of Ezra defines the primary theme of his whole Book. It begins with a royal decree from the Persian king Cyrus commanding full support for the building of the Temple, including the specific supply of five named commodities (silver, gold, goods, beasts, precious things), in addition to all that was freely offered. And as if this were not enough, Cyrus also ordered his treasurer to return the vessels that belonged in the house of the Lord. In every way, Cyrus fulfilled the symbolic meaning of Samek (Support) with respect to the rebuilding of the Temple. Yet his was only the first of three decrees by Gentile kings that God raised up to supply the needs to rebuild His Temple and His city Jerusalem.

Spoke 15 - Samek - Three Decrees of Support

 2010/11/10 17:14

 Re: Bible Wheel Portal

Click on the very center for a quick reference.

 2010/11/10 17:54

 Re: 1:5

Gen.1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

John 1:5 In him was life;and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

Now we can add yet another verse: 1 John 1:5!

1Jn 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

 2010/11/10 23:54


I'm with UntoBabes. It's pure speculation at best, especially considering the Bible is technically 69 books (Psalms is a combination of 5 books and Luke and Acts were originally one).
Now since chapter and verse division didn't even come into play until more than 1000 years after the originals...

Also, the Gospel of John is a Christian Midrash (sorry if you're already sick of that word) account on the book of Genesis, (IE the original creation and now the new creation) which is why the similarities are so close. If you study it out you'll find even more similarities though the verse numbers and chapters won't line up. First century Jews would have picked up on this right away.

Don't get me wrong, it's interesting, but hardly anything to put real stock into.

 2010/11/11 0:40


Yes, but the point is that you are changing things and Richard did not change anything. He is using what we know as the Bible today. This is what makes it more authentic. If someone came around like you and changed the Bible to make it fit, then there would be all kinds of questions and doubts.

What is the probability of even what Richard McGough did with the Bible as delivered to us today?

This has been on the web for over 10 years and he welcomes reasoned and scientific debate on it, but not changing the Bible, because that is not what he did.

So, what is the probability of all of this? How about 1 followed by 92 zeros?

 2010/11/11 8:23


Oh no, I'm not saying he changed the Bible, bro. I'm just saying even so, I wouldn't be willing to bet the farm on it either. The Bible Code seemed pretty impressive at first too.

I mean, if it got an unbeliever curious about the Bible, and prompted him to read it, I'm sure God can use that any way He pleases.

It's a fascinating thought, of that there's no doubt, but that's where I leave it.

Thanks for posting it though. I had never heard of it before, and even though I'm not on board with it, it still is quite an interesting idea to be certain.

 2010/11/11 8:30


I'm not quite sure what "bet the farm" means. I mean I used various study aids and don't "bet the farm" on them. So, I think I know what you mean. Just like I am not completely on board with Strongs Concordance, Vine's Expository Dictionary of Greek Words, etc, etc. Because they are not perfect, either. Only God's Word is perfect.

If I did not have complete confidence in God's Word, then I would be in bad shape.

Psa 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.

What I have been trying to say is that it is one of the best if not best study aids that I have found that reveals correlations and associations in the Word of God that you would have a very difficult time at best finding by just reading the Word in a linear fashion.

Looking at it in this multi-dimensional way, just reveals what is already in the Bible. Not extra-biblical, but showing what is already in God's Word.

I love how Song of Solomon, Acts and Revelation all show up on spoke 22, Hebrew Letter Tav.

Song of Solomon - Two Lovers - Speaks of the Bride and Bridegroom

Acts - The birth of the Church, Bride.

Revelation - The Bridegroom coming for the Bride

If you think that is incredible read what the Hebrew letter Tav, means.

I will give you a hint: Tav means "mark, sign, cross".

 2010/11/11 9:42

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779

 Re: BibleWheel



Seems like we should start a separate thread on the Biblewheel.

The word Gilgal which means wheel or rolling has a numerical value of 3+30+3+30 = 66. The bible has 66 books.

Actually, this isn't accurate. The MODERN Bible has 66 books. However, some of those books were separated/divided by later men. For instance, the books of I and II Samuel were originally one single text (and is still a single text in many Jewish copies of Scripture).

Remember, the Bible wasn't even notated by chapters and verses using our widespread method until 1560. In other words, the term "John 3:16" didn't mean anything to believers before 1560. They knew the passages by what was written...and not by any numeric system.

In addition, the 1611 King James Version contained the books of the Apocrypha -- and continued to contain them until between 1769 to 1826. Moreover, there are portions of Scripture that have been considered Scripture by certain sects that are rejected by others. For instance, certain Protestant Bibles (like the NRSV) contain "Psalm 151" -- and it was a part of the Septuagint, Vulgate and found in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

I think that we should be very careful about taking to heart any mathematical codes regarding numeric verses. After all, the Word of God is exceedingly quick and powerful even WITHOUT such things. We don't need a degree in Mathematics or some "wheel" to understand it. All we need is an open heart that longs to know the Lord.

Of course, I understand that this wasn't the case here.

However, I think that there is a danger because some brothers take such things seriously and to a fault. I have met a few people who almost live by their assumptions from various Bible codes (as if some mathematical number system of letters, verses or chapters could predict the future).

If we aren't careful, this can almost be as horrendous and damaging as that silly OMEGA CODE movie produced by TBN about a Bible Code and predicting the return of Christ. We don't need such things...because we ALREADY know that Jesus is coming back at an hour that we know not.


 2010/11/11 11:29Profile

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