Hello,I am new here and would like to ask for your recommendations on sermons featured on this net that overview Ephesians in keeping with orthodox Christian teaching and principles. I realize "orthodox" may indicate a denomination, but in this case I simply mean essential or true Christian faith and am not referring to a particular church. My purpose is simply to gain further understanding of the Book of Ephesians as a whole.Thank you,Carl
Hi Carl,There is a sermon series going through Ephesians verse by verse, by David Legge, (who is featured on SI also), on his website preachtheword.com. I note other messages in Ephesians, there.http://www.preachtheword.com/studies/sseph.htmlEDIT: sermons on SI by Les Wheeldon(part 1) https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/visit.php?lid=2179(part 2)https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/visit.php?lid=2180(part 3)https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/visit.php?lid=2181(part 4)https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/visit.php?lid=2182(part 5)https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/visit.php?lid=2183(part 6)https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/visit.php?lid=2184
Thank you very much for the recommendations. So far from sermonindex.net I've noted the following basic though major principles and applications from Ephesians one: Incredible riches are ours in Christ (you're cherishing this, right?); Paul writes Ephesians from personal experience (he was taught by God's Spirit); and we too experience God by personal revelation (run and get in the boat with God's Power). I'm considering Les Wheeldon's encouragement to speak in tongues and burn Christian (Iconic) art, but IMO we have to be very careful with these applications as I've seen these points carried out to the extreme, then these two encouragements become hindrances and not for our good. Still, he makes valid points to be full of the Spirit so much that He miraculously bursts out in free glorious speech and when we serve God we need to avoid the trappings of ritualistic iconic religion. With these thoughts I'd better get to prayer and not waste these encouragements --
Have you read "Sit, Walk, Stand" by Watchman Nee? It's a simple little book on the essence of Paul's message in Ephesians that can change your life. You'll never read Ephesians the same again. It can be had for $5.99 or something like that on Amazon. But it's worth at least a hundred million dollars if you ask me. Isn't that the case with all God's choicest treasures?
_________________Paul Frederick West
I finished Les Wheeldon's series and found myself listening to the 5th lecture over and over. The 6th one was life changing as well though hard hitting. Anyway, I have those two saved to listen to again and again, especially the 5th presentation. All were invaluable! Somewhere I have Nee's book and I will have to find it and read it again. Thank you all for the recommendations!Carl
There is a by scripture browsing and search feature and there are many sermons that overview all of Ephesians:https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/scr_index.php?act=bookSermons&book=Ephesians&page=0
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Hi bro,
life changing