Hadn't listened to this in a while...amazing comp. Please listen to if you haven't or listen again if you have:All to Jesus:https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=204
I liked this one too. Another really good one is instant replay. about the worm that never dies.https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?lid=7740&commentView=itemComments Really good song. I think I will go listen to both of those now. Bless you!
Ah yes from Brother Wilkerson's message on hell, that's one to keep close to your heart...for our own sakes and those we see everyday. Keep the fire burning and revelation fresh. Also notable one is "Bloody Battleground," also featuring Wilkerson, and Do You Have the Real Thing (it features Carter Conlon's 'run for your life' over Amazing Grace on flute...makes me weep). Blessings.
Alot of great compilations here. Now Stand up by Carter Conlon is great as well. I do not think I have listened to "do you have the real thing". I will have to check that one out too. Thank you!
These remind me of the heart of what SI is all about.
Paris Reidhead said about the true church:1) They recognize God's infinite worthiness;2) They recognize their terrifying sinfulness;3) They're broken.Are we broken, or are we spiritually proud? Do we think more highly of ourselves than we ought? Do we think this message applies to others, or do we realize this message applies to us? Are we going to pursue our own desires, or are we going to surrender our wills to His desires? Do we recognize our dire need of His daily mercies, or do we think we just needed mercy at the moment of conversion?Are we broken? Are we going to throw ourselves upon Christ like there is no tomorrow? Forget about the outcome; just do it because He's worthy of it, regardless whether or not He gives you what you want.
Thank you for posting I definitely need to do some searching in my heart seeking things that need to find the cross and submit to the Father.
_________________Matthew Guldner