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Joined: 2010/5/9
Posts: 164

 When I bow my knee

Father in Heaven, Holy is Your name. It is Your hand in which every man finds breath. And it is of Your will that all who come to You are tested. Even Your beautiful son Jesus endured the perfecting of His obedience through this test in which we now live.

I will soon stand before Your perfect face. When my knee bows to confess the Majesty of Your Son I will render all my works born of Your Spirit. They will all be Yours, for You alone are righteousness.

May You grant Your servant, that he might hold many more gifts for that day. It is Your perfect will and Holy name which will endure forever. Who is Your servant that he should appear with only a few gifts? You are worthy of the blood of my bones. Receive the praise due Your Beauty.

Paul Horton

 2010/10/14 15:51Profile

Joined: 2010/8/30
Posts: 449
Paradise, California

 Re: When I bow my knee

Oh that we may bear much fruit for your glory LORD! Let our works glorify you oh God and Jesus Christ whom you sent.


 2010/10/14 18:31Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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