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knitefall Member
Joined: 2010/3/2 Posts: 253
| hot topics that have cooled down in the church | | Myself and a couple close friends were speaking and agree that:
Much of the Church is caught up in petty subject content like "well, what do you say is wine...?" and menial trash like, "does God care if you wear blue or black pants while preaching...?"
How about topics that will actually EDIFY the Church like, "What is spiritual adultery?" and "the Sanctification of the Believer?" Speak on it- |
2010/10/14 0:45 | Profile |
JesusIsMyLrd Member
Joined: 2005/10/28 Posts: 119 Iowa, USA
| Re: hot topics that have cooled down in the church | | Amen!!
Are we really ready for the Bridegroom to return? Let's get the fires burning!!
Thanks for sharing that! _________________ Nathan
2010/10/14 0:50 | Profile |
knitefall Member
Joined: 2010/3/2 Posts: 253
| Re: hot topics that have cooled down in the church | | They that have an ear, let him hear and say so-
Considering the Sanctification of the Believer, How does this happen? Does this happen by one's serious and continual consecration? Or by enough discipline and holy output? Or maybe by enough Bible study? Or how about flogging one's self when he does wrong and sin? Is 'Sanctified' even an outward item?
So just how does a Christian Sanctify himself? Is it by some action of the flesh? Does the Believer that loves God, who has sin he cannot escape, overcome by occupying himself with dependence on a work of the flesh? After all, we are flesh so we need flesh works right? What is born of the flesh is flesh.
An overcomer is one who is experiencing God's flow of Grace and Zoe (eternal life) after having placed full and complete Trust exclusively in the Jesus of bloody Calvary. Gal 2:20, plus "they overcame by the Blood of the Lamb and by confession of that Holy Work" of the Crucifixion of a Sinless Jesus.
So I ask, where is the 'seat' or the 'synagogue of satan?' Was this not referring to the very practices of the Judaizers!? And really, those who would mix Grace with Law(works of our own power ie the flesh)? When the modern church reads these verses, they tend to lean towards a fleshly carnal understanding (because they do not hear from God's Holy Ghost but out of their own minds) and think this refers to some dark painted building with red hexagrams painted on it. NO! This was not it at all. Jesus was speaking of Christian territory!
If that church was called the very seat of satan, what do we have today? With all of the 'church growth methods' and humanistic moral biblical teachings? That is not blessed! Blessed Biblically is what Peter was when Jesus called him blessed. Because Peter heard from God! Peter had the ear to hear- the Revelation of who Jesus IS. That is blessed if you know the Cov't Promises and walk in them.
When we have people professing Christianity and they set others against trusting in Calvary solely and completely FOR ALL THINGS -they do this through humanistic teachings of the soulish means- we make no more but synagogues of satan. And do not even have an eye to recognize it... Any time law is accepted by a Christian as means to live a Righteous, overcoming life, that is what frustrates the continual and flowing Graces of God. He cannot and WILL NOT BLESS YOUR LAWS AND RULES AND FLESHY ATTEMPTS TO SANCTIFY YOUR OWN SELF
To set about and attempt to live this Zoe life in the power of the flesh constitutes that you're making yourself to be God. I call that the 'God-Complex.' To be Humble is not to sit in ashes and repent all the day long. That's pride and misunderstanding of much Scripture. To be Humble in God's eyes is to go the way of God's Holy Plan. Which is full and complete trust in ALL that has been afforded to us by the means of what took place on Calvary.
Speak on it-
2010/10/14 13:03 | Profile |
KingJimmy Member
Joined: 2003/5/8 Posts: 4419 Charlotte, NC
| Re: hot topics that have cooled down in the church | | I'd like to talk much more about the death and resurrection of Christ. Talk about building somebody up. _________________ Jimmy H
2010/10/14 13:14 | Profile |
buttermilk80 Member
Joined: 2010/5/9 Posts: 164 Ohio
| Re: hot topics that have cooled down in the church | | God has not changed. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty. He is bantered in man's words like some trinket on a table at a flea market. Man wanders in vast and great darkness because he desires anything but God's Holy will.
Consider: God is silent to the man of sin in hopes that such a man will ponder the way of his hands. But the day is fast approaching when the Blazing purity of the eternal God will rise from His throne with one word . . . "Enough".
What trinket will compare to His Majesty in that moment? And why is it said that man will cry out to the rocks to be covered from the face of He who rises to judge them? _________________ Paul Horton
2010/10/14 14:43 | Profile |
knitefall Member
Joined: 2010/3/2 Posts: 253
| Re: | | And then what is said of spiritual adultery? The church of Sardis had only a FEW that walked without soiling their garments of Righteousness by attempting to produce their own Righteousness.
Clothed in Jesus is taking on His Life, Death, Resurrection and Ascension. By the shedding of Blood we have remission of sins. Where was Blood shed for our sins? Calvary. What happened at Calvary? Someone died willingly and sinless. With a sealed Righteousness, all who would forfeit their own broken inability to produce Righteousness would receive freely His Perfect Righteousness [not any longer obligated to keep law on his or her part] upon believing into Christ unto Salvation.
Now, whatever attempt we make at producing our own Righteousness results in what we can call Spiritual Adultery. This is where White garments are then become spotted and stained with the sin of unbelief. Notice I did not say the sins of 'eating to much chocolate or drinking wine, smoking or Gossip!'
The command from God is, 'Rest in God's Grace -found in His Son- and produce not fig leaves for yourself.' No one will bow down and worship you because you "try harder" to live the Christian life more than anyone else. You're no longer responsible for sin as it was judged at Calvary. So why in earth would you set about to clean yourself up Christians? Why would you spit in the face of God and deny His Holy Plan and take up your own robe of attempted Righteousness?
If you want a revival of the sin nature and to be defeated all the time, go ahead! Try and Sanctify a spiritual problem by means of the physical flesh! And you will DIE trying. You ever notice how the mean and snarly believers are those who cannot rest in the Love of God? Rest in the Finished Covenant cut between the Father and the Son. We enter in by faith and did not establish it ourselves. So how can you add or destroy something you are not responsible for?
And please, for the sake of God... DO NOT reply with some unlearned statements about having to keep the commandments and laws and regulations. If you do, you prove that you have no clue what you are talking about.
In Love; your brother, Shawn. |
2010/10/14 15:03 | Profile |
buttermilk80 Member
Joined: 2010/5/9 Posts: 164 Ohio
| Re: | | I had heard it said that we enter heaven by the Grace of the Father in Jesus His Christ. Yet our position there will depend on what we accomplish for His name sake and through His power. Removal of sin is not in our hand. But service to His name is given to those who place their trust in Christ.
The Church has often focused on their sin and paid a price for such a waste of time. In myself I find that when I focus on what can be done by the power of God through me there is precious little time lost. Not to mention that sin tends to fade away as my focus is on His will. Though confession needs to accompany this entry. There are many places where the piles of stones set along my way marked places where sin triped me up. God will show all in that day. There are, thanks to Jesus, also places where the stones set up as rememberance are due to His Glory.
The battle belongs to the Lord. _________________ Paul Horton
2010/10/14 15:38 | Profile |
knitefall Member
Joined: 2010/3/2 Posts: 253
| Re: | | Amen my friend, you've said well. You mentioned some things that the message, "10 shekels and a shirt" holds. What a wonderful message of why we give service to God. It's right on the SI homepage- all, please listen as it will change your ministry if it has not already. |
2010/10/14 15:43 | Profile |
NewCovWinDor Member
Joined: 2007/2/10 Posts: 72 A Little Town In Iowa
| Re: | | Amen! I know exactly what you're saying, knitefall!
For so many years, I tried to literally follow the Scripture but had no victory over sin. It lead to condemnation that I also poured on others. It was my old, rotten heart pouring forth its vile spillage.
Now that I have yielded to Jesus, fruit is "by default." Suddenly, those things which were so hard to accomplish in the flesh were now just a natural product, a natural outflow.
So many believers get hung up on this. They think that "believing" is just too simple. So they try to work really hard to "make it work".
Simple? Yes, but it's GOD'S WAY!
The branch doesn't have to struggle to produce a little bit of fruit for the vine... it receives sunlight, rain and wind and simply brings it forth because of the life that has been imparted to it (John 15). It is alive, and simply partakes of the sap flowing into it, and fruit just comes!
So many of us try to manufacture fruit and hang it on us like some religious Christmas tree, while being as dead as a stump all the while.
Oh that God would awaken our hearts to faith and complete trust in Himself... then we would see the true fruit that is needed so critically. _________________ Ryan G.
2010/10/14 20:41 | Profile |
knitefall Member
Joined: 2010/3/2 Posts: 253
| Re: | | I understand all that you have written New Cov't!
Where did you first receive that Revelation? At Jimmy Swaggart Ministries we call it the "Message of the Cross."
ps what does the WinDor part mean? |
2010/10/14 23:12 | Profile |