I just wrote a blog post about how I use Sermonindex to study the Bible. More specifically about how I'm using the resources to supplement my study of Jeremiah. I was wondering if anyone else used Sermonindex this way. Are there any methods of use for the site that I'm overlooking? Is there a way of organizing your sermonindex intake that profits the most or illuminates your study the most?http://www.biblereadingproject.com/2010/10/walkabout-with-jeremiah-studying-with.html
Praying for the Lord to show you what He would have you to hear is most beneficial and tends to keep you right on target.
Brother,Exciting post to see on your blog! It is great to see and encourage others to study their bibles carefully and praise God for using sermonindex.net sermons to do this!
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Thanks for the encouragement. I've been born again for four years and I've been listening to sermonindex for three (I stumbled across it searching for Keith Green sermons). God has used the messages found here to profoundly change my life.
Thanks you for thes.